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I skip down the road singing quietly smiling at people as I pass them. I'm dating Virgil! I smile wider and when Pat walks out of his house holding a tray of bread he smiles back at me.

"Hi, Pat!" I grin.

"Someone's looking extra happy this morning," Patton smiles putting the tray down.

"Uh huh!" I nod spinning him around. He laughs.

"What's happened?"

"Virgil and I kissed! Now we're going out!"

"Yes! I ship it!"

"I'm going to see him now! Talk to you later!"

I run off to the tree line. People smile at me as I pass. When I get to the forrest I slow to a walk. It doesn't take me long to navigate the worn down slightly overgrown path and find my way to the pool. Surprisingly, he's not here. What? I frown slightly and look around. It's completely silent.

"What the heck?" I whisper and then a loud noise brings me out of my thoughts. I don't really know how to describe the noise, but I'm going to follow it in case it's Virgil. I follow the noise deep into the forest where the trees are thickest. I don't think honk I've ever been this far. I jump when I hear the noise again and look to my left. There he is. Smiling I walk over to Virgil and, only when I get near to him, do I see what he's doing. He's throwing very sharp knives at a tree. So this is what he does for fun.

"Hey, Virgie," I say rather loudly. Virgil jumps and the knife he has just thrown goes slightly off and misses the tree.

"Oh, hi," He says with a small smile. I walk closer to him and go on tip toes in an attempt to give him a kiss, but I still can't reach. Virgil laughs slightly and leans down to give me a kiss.

"You're too tall," I whisper and he laughs. He gives me a little kiss on the forehead then I walk over and sit on a large rock whilst Virgil goes back to throwing knives, "You seem kind of angry."

"Oh, its- it's nothing. Don't worry about it," He says throwing another knife, that went deeper into the tree with a much louder noise.

"You sure? You can talk to me," I offer again.

"Honestly, don't worry about it," He says but his tone was more defensive and almost angry. What's going on? Virgil sighs and turns to look at me, "I'm sorry there's just a lot going on with my brother at the minute."

"It's alright, but why won't you tell me?"

"I don't want you to get tangled up in this mess."

I nod and he throws another knife.

"Can I try?" I ask sliding off the rock.

"Yeah," Virgil replies and passes me a knife. I throw it but it doesn't go threw the tree, it just kind of bounces off, "Change your stance. You need to be side on and put more strength into it. Commit to it once you've started, if you crap out half way through but still release the knife it won't go anywhere."

I listen to what he says editing my position and all the other things he says about. We stick at it for an hour, (During which Virgil took his black jacket off and I saw his toned arms. I actually forgot how to breathe.) until I decide that maybe I should just stick to duelling. I return to the rock and watch him for a moment until I realise there's a little notebook on the floor. It must have fallen out of Virgil's pocket. I pick it up and flick it open. Holy-

"Virgil?" I ask looking at the page with the messy, chicken scratch handwriting and little doodles of demons and skull 'n' cross bones down the margins.

"Yeah?" He asks not turning around.

"What's this?"

He turns around and sees me looking at the little book. His face drops.

"Roman, it's not what you think-"

"You're- You're  planning to k-kill me?" I ask

He walks over to me in two long strides, "No, no it's-it's not like that. I swear-"

I back away from him slightly, still gripping the notebook and reading it, "Your plan was to get close to me?"

"No! Roman, it wasn't me who made these plans! I-"

"I can't believe it," I breathe dropping the notepad and looking back up at Virgil with tears in my eyes. I stand up from the rock and I run. I run faster than I ever have before. I don't know where I'm going. I don't know if I'm going deeper into the forest or closer to home. I'm just running. And I now he's following. I can hear his footsteps getting closer and I run faster. I run and I run, until I reach a clearing with a burnt down castle. I skid to a stop but when I hear Virgil's footsteps again, I dive behind a brick wall. Oh, shit, my clothes are going to be dirty now.

"Roman! Roman, I'm sorry! Please let me explain!" Virgil calls. I don't reply I just sit where I am and let tears silently cascade down my face.

"What the hell is going on here?" Deceit's voice rings out.

"This is you're fucking fault! If you hadn't made me write that shit down I wouldn't be in this position!" Virgil shouts his voice almost echoing.

"You so need to chill," Deceit drones out, "So your boyfriend dumped you after less than twenty-four hours. I guess Remus won the bet then."

There's some form of struggling noise sounding almost like someone's been gagged and can't speak. I peak over the wall and see an angry Virgil with his hand over his mouth. His entire body was tense as his left arm tugged at his right. What the hell? Deceit is stood in front of him smirking slightly. They're both distracted though... I stand up and I run as fast and quiet as I physically can, skidding down a hill and then running around the outskirts of town and into the castle through the back gates. I didn't want anyone to see me like this.

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