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Virgil nods and walks behind a tree there's some purple smoke then Virgil walks back out in different clothes. Holy- He looks very smart in a purple button-down shirt, tucked into black dress trousers with a black blazer. Gay panic. Gay panic. Holy shit.

"What?" He asks with a defensive tone.

I clear my throat, "Nothing, lets go."

He nods and we start walking. Being around a foot taller than I am, his strides are significantly longer than mine so he overtakes me, quickly and I have to run slightly to keep up.

"Hey! Slow down," I call with a laugh and Virgil stops and turns around watching me catch up as he covers his mouth with his hand to hide his smile, "Shut up! Not my fault you're tall."

"Not my fault you're short." He shrugs as I catch up.

"I am not short!"

"You come up to my shoulder and I'm six foot five, so you must be about five foot five. The average height for a seventeen year old is five foot eight; So, yeah, you're short."

"How do you know that? That sounds like something Logan would say."

"Do you have any idea what it's like to live in isolation with a brother who uses the fact that he's older than me by 3 minutes to his advantage? It's boring as shit."

I shrug. I've always had friends growing up so I s'pose I would have never realised what it's like to be lonely. We continue walking, this time Virgil takes slightly shorter steps so that I can keep up and soon enough we arrive in the kingdom. As we walk along people smile at me but almost shy away from Virgil. I s'pose he can seem quite intimidating. Tall, scowling, dark, mysterious. I notice him shove his hands deep into his trouser pockets and his broad shoulders tense up as we walk past everyone in the dimming light.

"Roman!" Pat calls out to me as he comes running towards us.

"Hi!" I grin as he engulfs me in a hug.

"Oh, hi, Virgil!" Patton grins up at Virgil before pulling him into the hug too. I feel him tense up next to me as he reluctantly joins in, "What are you doing in town?"

"Saved the idiot over here from drowning," Virgil mumbled pulling away from the hug.

"What! You almost drowned?" Patton looks at me, eyes wide.

"Oh, is that the time? We gotta be getting to dinner. See you later, Pat!" I call  grabbing Virgil's hand and dragging him towards the castle. We get to the gates and hen stop. Virgil looks down at our hands and so do I. We look up and make eye contact and then he pulls his hand away.

"So, umm, what do I say to your- your parents?" He asks looking away.

"Just answer their questions." I shrug walking through the gates.

"Well, what do I say if they ask my name? I don't have a last name," He says grabbing my shoulder to turn me around. He doesn't have a last name?

"What do you mean?"

"I never met my dad and my mum was killed when I was one so I don't really remember her and Dee and I were never told our last names. Or made one up," He explains and then starts to chew on his thumb nail.

"Umm... Just say it's Wilson," I say after a moment of thinking. Virgil Wilson sounds cool.

He nods and then we walk into the castle. He stares in awe at the architecture in the first room, it is amazing with high ceilings and sculptures and sparkles.

"Hi, mum, dad!" I say when we reach my parents who are stood in the middle of the hall. I hug them and they hug me back before looking at the rather uncomfortable Virgil.

"I'm Virgil, ummm, Wilson, your majesties." Virgil does a weird, awkward bow. He didn't seem to know what he was doing with his long limbs but what he did was recognisable as a bow.

"You needn't bow, Virgil. We are just so grateful you saved our son," Mum smiles and Virgil stands up and nods slightly, "Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes so why doesn't Roman give you a tour?"

I nod and we start walking around. I point out different rooms and soon we get to a room that shows our families history. We walk into the room and Virgil immediately walks over to a painting of my dad fighting a huge black dragon. Maleficent. We look to the next photo and it's a painting of Maleficent. Not going to lie, I hate the woman, but her cheek bones are amazing! Her green eyes seemed to burn into your soul even though she's dead, as if she knew everything. Virgil's fingers delicately trace the outline of his mother's face, he seemed almost drawn to it.

"Roman!" Remus' voice rings through the room.Virgil blinks a few times and then we both look to the doorway where Remus is stood with his normal grin, "Ooh, it's Virgil, too."

"You two know each other?" I frown. They haven't met before have they? I didn't think they had.

"No, you just... hear things." Remus looks at Virgil and the two stare each other in the eye for a moment until Virgil blinks away, looking at the floor instead.

"What did you want Remus?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Mum sent me to get your for dinner," Remus says with a shrug before walking off. Virgil takes a deep breath and then we follow.

"So, Virgil where are you from? I don't think I've seen you in the kingdom before," Dad asks when we are eating.

"The kingdom on the other side of the woods," He lies. I can see the nervous and almost pained look in his eyes when he says it.

"Really? The King and Queen over there are close friends of ours. Isn't their son getting married next month?"  Mum smiles.

"Emile's getting married?" I ask.

"Yes, to some boy called... What was his name,dear?" Mum looks at dad who swallows the food in his mouth.

"Remy. He's- He's an interesting character," Dad frowns at his plate before taking another bite of his food.

"Oh yeah," I remember the boy with sunglasses and a coffee, "I thought he was cool."

"Kind of annoying," Remus says shovelling food into his mouth like there's no tomorrow.

"Well, definitely interesting." Mum nods then looks back to Virgil, "Do you go to the forest often?"

"I have been recently. Needed to get out of the house," Virgil says. He seemed relieved he didn't have to lie then, he clearly hates lying.

"How come?"

"My brother was being kind of annoying."

"Oh." Mum looks at her food and then back up, "What are your parents like?"

Now it was Virgil's turn to look at his food, "Never met them."


"My father walked out before I was born and my mother died around a year after me and my brother where born," Virgil explained side-eyeing my dad when he talks about his mother dying. Dad doesn't seem to notice though and soon we're all eating quietly again.

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