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What do I tell him. I don't want to lie.  I can't really tell him it's because I just spent two hours listen to our brothers plan his death, though.

"Like I said, fight or flight," I shrug. God, I hate lying.

"Well, thank you." He looks at me with a small smile.

"Don't mention it, seriously," I say.

"There must be something I can do to-"

"Don't make me regret saving you, Princey," I sigh and he shuts up.

"You'd regret saving me?" He asks.

"If you don't shut up." I lie back on the rock. He gasps but then I see him lie down too, "What's your favourite film?"

"Aladdin!" He immediately replies.

"What's it about?" I stare at the sky as he starts to explain. I don't listen to most of what he's saying because he rambles a lot, but I get the general gist. Some poor bloke finds a genie lamp and makes a wish to be a prince, lies his way into the castle to get the princess fights some evil wizard then frees the genie.

"It's an amazing movie, and I definitely have a bit of a crush on Aladdin!" He laughs.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah! He's cute, kind of lonely, but really sweet," Princey smiles. We fall silent again, Then after a moment, Princey speaks up again, "What sort of magic do you do?"

"The other kid asked me this the other day," I sigh. Do I have to demonstrate again? Good magic really takes it out of me.

"Yeah, but I was kind of wondering what else you could do?" He sits up
and looks at me. I take a few deep breaths then sit up and lean over the water. I tap the clear liquid with each of my fingers on my right hand then pull my hand upwards with a flick and the water flies in an arc over our heads. Princey gapes at it and I chuckle lightly. Not too hard though, I don't want to sound like Deceit.

"What are you laughing at, hot topic?" He continues to stare in awe at the water.

"Awe, you think I'm hot," I grin and Princey blushed vividly.

"I do not!" He exclaims and I smirk as he reaches up to touch the arc that's frozen over our heads. Should I drop it on his head? Would that be too mean? Eh, screw it.

"Hey!" He squeals when the water falls on him. I laugh as he glares at me.

"Aw, c'mon, Princey, I'm just having some fun," I laugh sending a little wind to dry him off. He continues to glares at me as he rakes his fingers through his hair to get the knots out.

"Is that all you do for fun around here? Tease cute princes?" Princey scowls flocking his hair out of his face.

"No, I tease princes, I haven't seen a cute one pass through in years," I say. His face drops. He is kinda cute but he does not need an ego boost, "I practice magic I suppose. I don't normally leave my house."

"You have this week though?" He asks.

"My brothers been too much for me to handle recently. He's really pissing me off." Ah, sweet truth, there it is.


"My parents want you to come over for dinner," Roman says to me.

"What?" I gape. It's the day after I dragged him out of the water and he came back to tell me that?

"My parents want you to come over for dinner," He repeats.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"I told them you saved me and they want to meet you," He scowls, "I'm not particularly happy about it either, if that helps."

"Oh, yeah, that really fucking helps," I growl. How the fuck can I say no to the King and Queen's invite? That's not something you do, even I know that, "Why did you have to tell them?"

"They asked me how my day went, what was supposed to do lie?" He raises his eyebrows.

"No, just tell them you hit your head on a rock but you were fine! I didn't want any credit!" I exclaim.

"I tried to tell them you didn't want anything, but they insisted you should come," He raises his voice slightly. Oh, God. This is too dangerous. I use my magic so casually that I might accidentally use it in front of them. I'd get arrested. I'd loose my freedom. I like my freedom; I'd rather they killed me. My breathing speeds up a little and I sit down on my rock. I can't go. I can't- I-

"Virgil? Are you ok?" Roman asks, concern clear in his voice. He's speaking to me, but his voice seems to get further away, "Virgil! Virgil, breathe. Focus on your breathing."

I try and listen to what he's saying. I try to focus on my breathing as much as I can as Roman squats in front of me, gently moving my hands out of my hair and holding them. He squeezes them lightly to let me know he was there and I try to breathe at a normal rate. We stay there for a while until I'm calm and Princey starts to shift uncomfortably in his squatting position.

"Thanks," I mumble and Princey plops down next to me.

"It's fine, you don't need to thank me," He smiles at me a little.

"Well, look who's back again," Deceits voice rings through my ears. I deck him in less than five seconds before I even realise what I'm doing. Oh... I look at him underneath me on the floor and suppress a laugh before standing up. Yep, I need that. Deceit shouts at me as he stands up"What the fuck was that for?"

"A snake turned up and my alarms went off," I shrug.

"Get your arse home soon, we need to discuss some things," He scowls up at me as he brushes dirt off of himself. I sigh and turn to face Roman.

"What time do you need me at your place?" I ask.

"You sure you want to come?" He asks.

"Well, I can't really say no to the King and Queen and also me staying out late will piss the hell out of Deceit so, yes," I nod but my heart is pounding very fast in my chest.

"Ok, then you can come now if that's easier," He says. Wait, what? It'll be fine just don't use magic and everything will be fine.

"Ok- Ok, and umm is what I'm wearing ok? Should I be dressed more formally than a hoodie and jeans?" I've no idea what to wear to something like this. I've never been anywhere other than the castle and forest, Dee and I just kind of magic up food...

"Wait, so every other time, you thought this was fine?" He smirks raising an eyebrow and pointing a finger at my outfit. Oh, boy, he went there. I start patting down my pockets and looking confused.

"I can't find it," I mutter.

"Find what?" Princey asks nervously.

"Where I asked for your opinion on my outfit, Prince of Idiots."

His jaw dropped and I have stifle another laugh.

"You might need something slightly more formal," He says to me after a moment.

My sleeping beauty ~ PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now