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I fall into Patton's arms when I'm finally stood up and out of the shackles. He hugs me there as Deceit and Virgil start talking. I turn my head to watch as the two brothers shake hands but my facial expression shifts moments later when Deceit pulls the  taller forward and whispers something in his ear.

Then he grabs a knife out of Virgil's pocket. He throws it at me. Virgil screams out the second it leaves Deceit's hand. I watch it travel through the air. Though I can tell it's travelling fast, it seems to slow down. Everything seems to almost stop. I push Patton away. He won't be hurt because of me. But my legs barely support me. They threaten to give way. But they don't have time to. The knife gets closer to me and I close my eyes and wait for whatever comes.

But nothing comes. No pain. Nothing. The only pain actually comes from when my legs do give out and I land on the floor.

I open my eyes to see a daisy in my lap and Deceit pinned against a wall with his feet dangling a few inches off the floor. Virgil clearly wasn't having it. Mum comes running over to me and help me up hugging me tightly.

"I'm sorry," We both whisper. Mum holds me tighter putting a hand on the back of my head. I smile  slightly and then pull away to look over at Virgil and Deceit who are yelling at each other.

"Let me go, you prick!" Deceit shouts.

"Give me one good reason why I should!" Virgil yells back at him. Deceit stays silent focusing until his other eye starts glowing yellow too. But both of them are now a lot more snake like with slits for pupils mixed with his unnatural eye colour; Skin turns to scales; Fingers turn to  long claws; Wings start sprouting from his back. He looks like every painting of Maleficent as a dragon but instead of black he's a golden yellow colour with the occasional pale green or black scale.

"Virgil!" I shout stumbling forward and falling to my knees as we all look up to see Deceit now turned into a huge dragon. Fucking hell. His head just misses the high ceiling and Virgil is thrown back by Deceits tail, crashing into a wall, "Shit."

I manage to stand and half-run-half-fall over to Virgil and kneel down next to him. He's still alive and, somehow, conscious but there's blood trickling from his nose and he looks kind of out of it.

"Are you okay?" I ask quickly as Virgil sits up wiping blood away with the back of his hand.

"Yep," He strains sitting up slowly and stretching his back. As he does so, Dad comes running into the room with all of the guards behind him. They gasp when they see the dragon and  some of them start shooting arrows at him, but they just look like splinters in comparison to Deceit.

"Did you know he could do this?" I ask.

"He hasn't in years, I thought he had forgotten how to," Virgil replies wiping more blood away and then snapping his fingers to make the samurai sword he got me for my birthday appear in my lap, "I thought you might want it back."

I smile at it, "Thanks."

"Evacuate the kingdom. Get everyone out," He says to me and I frown at him, "What?"

"We're doing this together, I'm going to help you," I insist.

"Roman, you can't even stand up."

"Well, you have blood leaking from your nose in a constant stream."

"I can't let you get hurt again," He whispers holding my hand.

"I won't." I brush his cheek lightly, "C'mon. I'll tell Joan and Talyn to evacuate everyone."

We stand up both of us wobbling slightly but we stay on our feet, which is an achievement in itself, and then leg it towards Joan and Talyn, hand in hand.

"Can you evacuate the kingdom? Get everyone out and I mean everyone," Roman say to the two who immediately nod and shove their swords in their scabbards before sprinting out of the room. We join in fighting. People are thrown left right and centre by Deceit's tail and as we join in he breathes the first lot of fire. It was the thing we were praying against.

Virgil's throwing knives at him and I'm attacking his feet with my sword along with a few other guards. We aren't helped by the fact that Remus is going around hitting soldiers over the head with a mace. I look at the dragon and then at Remus. With a small grunt I run over Remus and hit his mace away with me sword before he hits Foti. My sword and his mace clash loudly but not loud enough to be heard by anyone else over the roaring of Deceit.

Remus grins at me as we battle. I step to the side as he swings his mace at me and he steps back as I lunge towards him. It carried on like this for a while; Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Until I notice something. He's using the same technique he always does. He doesn't act, he reacts, which is very unlike his normal personality. Always swinging for the head after defending a lunge from me. So, I need to change my strategy to win this. If I lunge to the left straight after lunging towards him, he'll end with his back to me. I do it.

I was right.

Remus looks over his shoulder at me as I put my booted foot on his back and push him to the floor. He rolls over and looks up at me. His eyes filled with a fear I've never seen there before. My sword is raised but I stop before I strike. Is this the right thing to do? He's my brother... However sadistic and creepy-

I'm swept off my feet before I realise it. Remus must have kicked me over. Remus is hovering over me in seconds, one hand around my neck and the other holding his mace.

"You always hesitate," He tuts, "Your biggest weakness."

Struggling to breathe, I stretch trying to reach my sword. My fingers brush the hilt and I wince stretching further.

"You'll never get the chance to learn from t though," He continues, "Because you're about to-"

He drops on top of me blood pooling around his torso. Tears pouring down the side of my face I push him off of me, "I'm so sorry."

My sleeping beauty ~ PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now