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"Roman!" Remus sings loudly entering my room. He's holding deodorant and I think it's got a bite out of it. Ew! Not sure why I'm surprised, it's Remus but still.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Could you try this for me," He asks passing me true deodorant.

"I refuse to eat deodorant, that is not a good idea," I push his hand away from me and he sighs then sits on my bed next to me.

"Ever wonder what it would be like to-" He starts.

"Nope, get out," I say but he carries on.

"Kill your best friend?" The sadistic glint in his eye brighter than normal. I stare at him wide eyed.

"No... Do you?"

"Bold of you to assume I have friends."

I blink, "I- I don't know how to respond to that."

"You don't." Remus shrugged, "Do you wonder what it would be like to burn the castle down?"

"No! Of course, I don't! This is our home, why would I even dream of doing that?"

"I dunno, why do I dream about it?"

I face palm as Remus start to laugh. What the heck is wrong with him?

"Are you going to the pool tomorrow?" He asks. Maybe he's not so bad.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" I look over at him.

"Maybe you'll drown." He stares at the wall opposite us and I take back what I thought he is bad.

"I can swim."

"Imagine if you cut your leg on a rock and couldn't swim."

"I'll be fine."

"How do you know?"



"Get out of here, Dookie."

"You didn't answer the question," Remus sang as he skipped out of the room. I rolled my eyes and leant back on my bed. What if I do drown or cut my leg? If no one's there I could die and no one would know-

"Damn you, Remus!" I shout and I hear him laugh followed by fast footsteps echoing down the hall as he got further away. He always does this. I need to distract myself.

I stare at the ceiling for a while and let myself go to daydream mode. Imagining meeting my future husband. Probably a mysterious prince from another land. He's handsome and sweet and willing to do Disney sing-a-longs with me. Tall, broad shouldered and treats me right. I sigh, I wish I could meet him. I can't wait.


I leave early the next morning. Sadly, Remus had the same plan, so we ended up walking to the forest together. We part ways, though, when we reach the edge, so I don't have to listen to him and his twisted imagination. I make my way through the forest and eventually find myself at the pool of water. There's no one there this morning, so with a small smile i get undressed and slide into the water.

I spend the first hour or so just doing laps around the water. Feeling the water rush around and over me calms me down, a lot, but after an hour I swim to the side and lean back on it. I sigh and sink neck deep into the warm relaxing water. How the water is this warm in the winter, I don't know. I lie there for a good half an hour letting my thoughts wonder, before I start swimming around the pool again.

This is nice. I smile as I glide on my back around the pool. I let out a long sigh but then my head collided with something sharp. Oh, shit. My hand flies to the back of my head where there's a little dent and something warm.

"Oh, I hope that's just water," I wince as I attempt to swim to the side with only one arm, my other applying a bit of pressure to the wound. I stop for a moment and pull my hand off the wound. My fingers are cover in blood. Shit. I place my hand back on the wound but my vision has started going a bit fuzzy. Oh, gosh, oh, gosh, oh, gosh. Remus was right, I'm going to die. I need to keep fighting. C'mon! I blink rapidly and continue trying to swim but it's getting harder. Fuck.

"Are you ok?" Someone calls. I can't work out who, but I recognise the voice. There's a pause and then a large splash and then I feel someone's arms around me then, I'm pulled out of water. Coughing and spluttering, I flip on the floor and try to look at my saviour, but they're just a pale blur. They pull me towards them and gently move my hand off of my head. We are silent for a moment and then my vision returns. I sit up and touch the back of my head gently. There's no pain, or hole, or dent, or bruise. What?

I look around at my mystery saviour and- Holy-

"Virgil?" I gape at the soaking wet, half naked man in front of me.

"Hi," He mumbles awkwardly.

"You- You saved me?" I frown confused.

"Yeah, well, fight or flight, right?" He rubs the back of his head awkwardly. Has he always been this cute? Holy cow, how much blood did I loose? Jesus Christ.

"I suppose... I was under the impression you didn't like me."

"There's a reason for that." Virgil stands up and waves his hand. Purple smoke drys himself and me. He walks back over to his clothes and pulls them on.

"How old are you?" I ask going to my own clothes.

"Eighteen. You?" He pulls his hood up and sits on a rock.

"Seventeen." I sit on the rock next his when I'm changed, "What's your favourite colour?"

"Why?" He frowns.

"Just getting to know you." I shrug.

"Purple or black."

"Mines red or gold. Favourite film?"

"Never watched one."

My mouth drops open. How has he never seen a film? Films are, like, the best thing ever! Other than me of course.

"How?" I gape.

"Don't own a TV or movie." He shrugged. I continue to stare at him open mouthed and after a minute he starts to shift uncomfortably. Blinking rapidly, I try to move on.

"Favourite musician?" I ask.

"Evanescence," He responds quickly.

"Nice, I love Beyoncé. She's basically royalty," I reply. Then I pause, "Why did you save me?"

My sleeping beauty ~ PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now