Chapter 13: Im alive bitches

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Aizawa damn it! Fine I'll stay awake you jerk! I laid there with my eyes open as I started at the ceiling, then at Shoto walking up to me on Bakuhoe's side, he grabs my hand as has a tear going down his eye. I stare at him emotionless as he smiles a little bit. I blink very slow as my eyes go towards the ceiling trying to stay awake. With Aizawa constantly shaking his hand in my face to look at him but afterwards I just look back at the ceiling as I unconsciously let a tear escape. I was in a lot of pain, everything hurt and I still can't move my legs. Aizawa and everyone else probably got the idea I can't hear them because they stopped trying to talk to me. Which was good I guess but looking at the time it's midnight...

Wow I never thought I'd see the day that I was awake at midnight.

Mission accomplished I guess. Well imma go to sleep now you dumbass's I want sleep.

As I rest my eyes I didn't feel them shaking me finally! I just wanted to be asleep~

Morning around 5am













Wow I guess I really did hit my head hard? Anyway I sit up from my laying position and tear of the oxygen mask. I don't like things on my face...

Or my ears!!!

I rip the bandages of my ears as I move them around to gain feeling back. Then I started to move my feet. Only to find that I can't. What?

Oh well probably just numb there. As I start taking all the cords off except for the IV, I use the tv remote on the table by my bed and turned it to the news. I still didn't know how I ended up here...

Maybe TV can tell me?

As I see a reporter lady...



Wait... my tail... I try to move it but I can't? I then look for it of course to see it hanging off the bed laying limp. Oh ok it's still attached but limp as my legs? Oh well I'll gain feeling soon enough at least I can hear now. As the reporter started stating some villain attack happened yesterday, I assumed that's what I got caught up in. As I rub my head letting out a sigh.

What the hell did I do this time?

Must of been some villain to beat me up or I could've been distracted or fighting on my own.

Ya definitely the last one.

My class is full of wimps.

Speaking of my class I should probably go...

I wanna laugh at Bakuhoes face if he got hurt!!!

Oh I can see the nuclear explosion from here... hehe. Ok so if I can't gain feeling in my legs yet... and a wheelchair is too slow... I'll just call Luke! Those bastards will be so jealous seeing there queen being carried away on a wolf! Hehe...

As I whistled loudly to reach Luke all I had to do is wait. As I hear yelling then disaster happen outside the door I knew he was close as the 'new' closed door came down as I smiled at the wolf who smiled bigger then I've ever seen him smile as he rushed over and stood by the bed and started licking my face. I laughed as I started petting his face away. I closed my eyes for they didn't get slobber in them. But once Luke was done I rubbed my eyes as I look up at the door to see Shoto?

"Hey Shoto what's up?" I say then immediately regretted it as I started a coughing fit. He came to my side and patted my back as he reached over to the table by my bedside and grabbed a glass of water for me. Once I stopped I looked up at him to only see the water he was putting in my mouth for me. I take one hand and take it from him and turned away to drink.

"I can drink water myself idiot... anyway thanks..." I say while I hand him the empty glass as he puts it back. He pushes a button on the wall and I question him looking down at me in worry?

"Hey what the hell happened? Also please tell me if Bakuhoe got beat too!" I say while smiling up at him as he lets a tear escape. I know he not one for crying in front of others so I knew something must of happened.

"Hey Shoto I'm ok! See no pain here!" I smile at him as I move my hand to his cheek as he puts his hand over mine as he smiles at me.

"You would think I'd die from a simple villain? Oh Shoto it's gunna take a nuke to strike me down silly~" I smirk at him as I giggled as he lets more tears slip. Seriously?!

Come on I'm being buddy buddy and your still crying!?

"Hey Shoto please stop." I say as I wipe the tears away. Then doctors came in and started running around crazily. I for one is very confused and a little nervous. I didn't like this many strangers coming over to me. I squeezed Shotos hand unknowingly as I started at the needles they were getting ready. I quickly unhooked my hand with Shotos as I ripped out the IV in my arm. Grabbed onto Luke. Pulled myself onto him. And told him to run as doctors started screaming and coming at me! Shoto looked shocked but never less Luke ran me out of that hospital prison as he went to Aizawas place. I laugh as we went through the back door.

"Hey thank you Luke! I still can't feel my legs though... eh no biggy I'll feel them later anyway let's get up to my room for I can change for school!" I say as Luke does what I say and stands right next to my dresser. I grab my uniform on top and point towards the bed as Luke stands near the bed I push of Luke and onto my soft bed as I struggled putting on my uniform but I did it either way. As I pulled myself back onto Luke I road him like a cowboy on a horse with my tail limp on the left side as I petted Luke's head as we walked to school. People have me looks but I didn't care! I'm out of that prison! As were walking through the hallways I tell Luke to push class 1-A door open wide as I screamed to all my classmates.

"I'm alive bitches!!!"

( 1,187 words! Sorry these chapters don't have a lot of description but I'm trying to make this story long to give you the full picture! But anyways thank you so much for reading today's chapter! Can't wait to see tomorrow's chapter so stay tuned! )

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