Chapter 47: The forest P.3

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Make sure to thank @rock_hard_kiri
For if they weren't a good person then I wouldn't be updating TWO chapters!!!

I hope you all enjoy!

And make sure to thank them!


"Oh Agatha~"

"God no please!"
I yell in horror as he came closer. I was so scared that he will throw me under the bus and run me over or something.



"Agatha, will you please scan the outskirts again then report back to base in two hours please."

I sigh in relief as I nodded then transformed into a raven.

So glad I get to see another day!

As I flew towards the outskirts passing over my classmates desperately fighting monsters I chuckle then start searching making sure everything is in order.

Then I felt fear.

Confused on why some animals are so fearful towards the outskirts I turn in that direction and start heading over there. When I flew through the trees and hovered in the direct center of it all. No one was here.

The animals were still running away from this place.

But why?

I landed on the ground and became my wolf as my sense got better as I sniffed around. I caught the sent of something familiar but before I can do anything or recognize the sent. I heard screaming from the animals in my classes direction.

Having to decide between this weird illusion and the animals in the path of Bakuhoe. I reluctantly left to go help the animals. Once they were all cleared I head back towards base as soon as I got there I was 15 minutes late as they were worried but when they saw me they were relieved.

"What took you 15 minutes?" Aizawa asked as I simply said my classmates as they understood before I transformed into a cat and sat on Kota shoulder as we waiting for my classmates

~3~ hours later

Well it's been 5 hours sense class 1-a started fighting for dinner and they aren't back by now. Aizawa was about to send me out but when Bakuhoe stumbled through the bushes, we knew the class wasn't far behind.

"3 hours you said..." He pants. " ONLY 3 FUCKING HOURS MY ASS!" I laugh as I see the rest of my class come through. Shoto looked ready to die quiet literally so of course I hoped off Kota's shoulder to go to him but Kota caught me mid leap as he held me. Wow this kid has a really hard grip.

Then again the look on his face towards my classmates is a whole another thing as he really looks like a young Bakuhoe.

I try to wiggle out of his grasp but he held firm squeezing me tighter as he's still in deep thought. Any harder and he will probably break my bones! Probably! I start meowing trying to snap him out of it as I struggle to get out of his arms while trying not to hurt him.

Aizawa was the first to hear my pleads as he rushed over and snatched me from a surprised boys arms as Aizawa looked me over for injuries then held me while petting me as he glared at the poor boy.

"I-" the boy tried to justify his reasons but Aizawa shut him up.

"You hurt my cat... No more cat for you." He then started walking away while taking out a bag of poptarts from his pocket, in his other hand, still holding me as he got one out of the bag and gave it to me which I started inhaling the second it was close to my little paws as he put the secret bag away. Kota looked sad but Izuku came up to him then he went back to being angry again.

I watched with amusement as Kota delivered a low blow to Izuku.

That boy is more like me then I thought,  to have invited Izuku to his no pain no game club.

While Lida immediately ran to Izuku's AID yelling at the boy about how disrespectful that is, I saw that laughing Bakuhoe not even trying to hide his amusement to the situation.

Then Shoto came up to me and Aizawa.

"Um, sir... can I-" Aizawa nodded, giving me to shoto as I climbed on Shoto's arms to get up to his fire side shoulder.  Shoto smiled as he petted me under the chin as he followed everyone to go put their stuff away then going for dinner. Shoto, already used to getting two plates, went and sat down by the Izuku club as I sat on the table licking my soup.

I find it funny how my classmates just continue on with their day as a cat/classmate is just casually on the table eating along with them.

"That boy is just like Bakugou isn't he?" Bubbles asked as everyone nodded along. Izuku paling at the memory.

"Meow." I say as bubbles picked me off the table and put me in her lap as she started stress petting me.

"What if camp is really just a cover up to make kids train till they mentally and physically give out to make them stronger to fight for themselves..." She mumbled as I just casually started eating her soup that she foolishly left to close to me.

"Well we are here to get stronger-"

"But what if-"

"God you sound like Izuku."

"WHA-!" Everyone starts laughing as bubbles figured out what I was doing and just sighed knowing whats done is done.

Once everyone was finished we all started heading to the dorms as I jumped out of bubbles arms as I rubbed against Shoto to say good night as he crouched down to pet me and said good night too with a small smile as he continued onward to the boys dorm as I wondered the halls.

I first was going to go to Kota's room again, but earlier events caused me to rethink that idea as I headed into Aizawas room.

He was curled up in the corner in his sleeping bag instead of on the bed as I simply climbed up to the opening then wiggled my way to a comfortable position around his neck and scarf then fell asleep.

Tomorrow I get to watch my classmates suffer!

I can't wait to eat in front of bakuhoe~

And I can't wait for the surprise scare later as well!

( 1,073 words )

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