Chapter 45: The forest P.1

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...I was trying to save him...


Once I get home as a bird of course, I go through my open window as I transform back into myself, what's left of my shirt then falls off as I sigh a happy sigh that it fell off now and not when the police was questioning me.

I then change into my normal red outfit ( see picture somewhere in the beginning of the story ) as I lay on my bed taking a breather only for Aizawa to burst in here.

"Ready?" I let out a strange sound as I get up again and head out the door with him.

The car ride was quiet.

I didn't know what happened to him last night but I'm afraid to peek into it.

I'll give him time to tell me.


I turn towards him as he keeps his eyes on the road.

"I saw what happened on the news. Are you ok?" I nod then remember he isn't looking at me.

"Yeah I'm good."

He nods as he looks like he's about to say something else.

"I want you to train right now, knowing that dangers always around the corner I want you to train more."

I raise a brow as I look around his small black bug car.

"What could I possibly do in here to help me train?"

He pointed at my window.

"Fly out the window and fly above the car in a......... pidgeon." My mouth dropped open at how he expects me to fly 6 hours straight at 60 mph as a.... pidgeon.



I scoff as I thought he liked me finally but I guess not. I roll down the window as I groan at what I have to do. I turned into a pidgeon and literally jumped out the window as I go to the air and went as fast as I can to try and catch up to his car.

Finally I was above his car, struggling. As I transformed into a snail and attached myself safely to the top of his car.

That's much better.

Now I'm a snail clutching onto the cars roof for my life....

This is fine...

Everything's fine...

I'm fine...

Let's just say it was a long 6 hours as when we were close I transformed back into the pidgin and flew above his car once more but at least he was going 15 mph. As he pulls up at the forest he gets out of the car as I practically landed right on his face as I transformed into a cat to make Aizawa catch me before I fall as he carried my passed out ass to the buildings.

He woke me up to meet everyone and that's when I saw Kota, a little boy with stars in his eyes looking at me from the corner of the room.

I hop down from Aizawa's arms as I walk over to Kota, slowly and definitely not straight as I ran into a leg before making it over to the small boy holding in his laugh as I rub my head on his hand as he starts petting me. Then I fall on his arm from exhaustion as he picks me up and sits down with me in his lap as he petted me.

"Kota! That's who I was telling you about! That's Agatha! The shape shifter hero trainie!" At that he stopped petting me as I looked up at him to see hatred in his eyes as he stands up and pushes me off him.

I was sad but luckily Aizawa came and picked me up immediately and started petting me instead.

"Show some respect kid, she's going to be protecting all the students here so I better not see you treating her disrespectfully." The kid nodded looking guilty as I simply jump out of Aizawa's hands and transform into myself.

I knel to Kota as I smile at his curious face.

"Hello! I'm Agatha! Your fellow neighborhood cat!" I smile as I hold out my hand.

With Aizawa eyeing the kid down he shakes my hand as I hug him. He hesitated then hugged me back tight.

Again, what is with these people not getting enough hugs!?

I pull away as I smile at him  before getting up to properly greet the other awaiting hero's.

I call them the kitty squad because why not and it should've been their name.

From one cat to another we respect each other.

And just to let you all in on a secret, they originally wanted me to join their team as a cougar or other cat so they can be "complete" but Aizawaaaaaaa said no that I need to be with my own age... my own age includes depressed, lightning, daddy problems, anger issues, children.

Anyway After introductions we all went outside to eat which was pretty good sense there was pop tarts involved.

Then we all went in front of the building outside again.

Kota was confused

I was confused

So I voiced my confusion

"Why are we outside when the heater is working perfectly inside?" I ask as Aizawa smirks

Oh god help me

"Well you get to do your job... with your speed... experience... I'd say you'd take 2-3 hours scanning the area while it would've taken all the hero's in the world 24 hours to do so. Once your done report to me and if there's a problem deal with it if you can and once you report to me you can go to bed and I'll see you tomorrow when I bring the class now go."

I nod as everyone was interested in what I would do as I ate the stolen pop tart from my pocket before I transformed into my wolf.

Everyone except Aizawa took a few steps back.

"Do we even need any other security other then a big ass wolf?"

"She can be a huge ass fire mind reading dragon too if you prefer?" Aizawa asks in sarcasm making me laugh as they all go pale. I go up to Kota and see him looking really scared. So I lay down and nudge him with my head. He then gets calm as he started petting me.

Aizawa coughed as a sign I need to go as I stand up and start stretching.

A few things popped but that's about it as I stood ready before the forest.

It's been a while sense I've been in the wild. Let's not waist it!

( hello everyone! Author here!

So I tried to do a. Fun Q and A where you guys can interact with my characters with funny questions for them but none of you cared...

Very depressed...

Not a single question...

So that ether means you don't want a  Q and A with the characters which is ok I guess but if you have any suggestions on something fun I should do that's not Q and A then feel free to suggest it!

Until then!

Have a nice day! :)

( 1,177 words )

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