Chapter 24: Sports Festival Part EIGHT

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Ugh finally...

The day has-


The day where I fight ...

Todoroki Shoto...

He stood at one end and me at the other. The bell already signaled for us to start but we just stood there in fighting positions starring each other down while everyone else stares down upon us.

In reality I was trying to think of a way not to hurt him...

After all...

He was my first human friend for the longest time.

I turn into my wolf as I start to circle him as he copied my movements and started to circle around me as well.

When I stopped and began growling he only smirked as I made the first move coming closer to him while doing zig zags for he couldn't blow me away with one blow of ice. But before I even got to him I smelled something...

What's that smell?

I stop automatically as I stare at Shoto with my head tilted to the side a little as he pulls something out of his pocket...

It's a damn poptart...

My weakness...........

I watch it closely as He starts to walk to the edge of the ring only to throw it out of bounds.

Like the smart person I am I rushed forward and saved the pop tart in my mouth making me out of bounds. As I laid there eating my pop tart with my demon like teeth. Shoto comes over to me only to laugh as he pet my head. I got up to follow him out still in my wolf form as the entire way back I was searching him with my nose to see if there was any others.

Unfortunately there wasn't any pop tarts but once we got back Bakuhoe waited until I transformed back to sit in my chair when he smacked the back of my head.

"You idiot, your supposed to be smarter then that..." he says as he goes back to his normal pouting face. I rub my head as I finally sit down in the chair.

"Shoto you know my actual weakness, why didn't you use that to your advantage and impress everyone?" I say as he looks down in his lap with a hint of blush behind it.

"I didn't want to hurt my only friend." He mumbles as I smile and pat his back before standing up.

"Where are you going?" He asks as I stood in front of him. I couldn't tell him that his dad was coming this way. By using my wolf nose before transforming I smelled him.

"Going to the bathroom I'll be back!" I say while smiling as I walk towards Bakuhoe who was by the entrance now. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He looked up at me as I went to walk by him but stopped right next to him still not facing him.

"Make sure Shoto stays here." Is all I said as I made it through the exit and started going down the dark hall way where I saw none other then the furry himself.

"It's you again you little brat." He hissed as I stood in his way from walking any closer to get to Shoto.

"Sir you are not permitted to go towards the class 1-a's seating room." He only chuckled as he began to walk towards me more as an attempt to scare me into letting him through but I held my ground.

"And you think you can stop me?" He says as he cracked a devils smile. In this situation It did look as though he was the devil himself. But I'm the one they send to kill the fucking devil. As I cracked my insanely smile letting my inner self out as I began to walk towards him while you heard bones cracking. If you saw auras mine would be death as I walked towards him step... By step... by step... he started to back up as I grew taller then him. My fingers now claws as my eyes turned into slits and my smile was sharp.

"What are type of demon are you!?" He says as he takes another step back. I say in a low voice...

"The fucking boogie man~" as I went to slash at his face only to see him running down the hall. I transform back as I held a hand to the wall for balance as I used my other one to hold my head. It's hard to keep that form. Ever sense I was little I dreamed of myself as a monster sense my only family left me and I had no friends. Ever sense that day the monster in me grows powerful. I allow no one to see it for fear they will leave me too but when I get so mad or scared...

Mostly mad, it comes out to kill. Like I'm on auto pilot mostly. Back then at the USJ villain attack I could not under any circumstances let the villains see that form or Shoto for that matter. Out of all my transformations, the one with me as a monster hurts the most. Sure the other ones are only a dull pain in the head but the monster was a full on migraine. My draw backs always kick in when I'm done with a certain form. If someone didn't kill me then I'd surely die by these drawbacks. But let's not get depressed over here.

As I start to walk towards the entrance my legs give out as I fell. I began to sit with my back against the wall. I can't let anyone see me like this. As I feel a transformation come over me I began to fly over to where Shoto was anxiously sitting as his tense shoulders relaxed along with his body as i landed in his lap and began to fall asleep with him slowly petting my head.

Stupid endeavor...

I know no one will believe him but still....

Now he knows...

Whatever he decides to do with this knowledge I hope he does it without Shoto involved. That's my only wish.

( 1,063 words! Oh man what do you people thinks going to happen? Does Agatha think of Shoto as more then a friend? Is Endeavor the furry going to be up to something? Find out in next weeks chapter! )

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