Chapter 81: Grocery store

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Ever feel depressed?

One word explains it all for me!




"Agatha you have a new brother... say hi to Steve Aizawa."
All eyes fixated on the said Steve in the classroom as certain peoples eyes widened tremendously.

"...Please dont kill me...?" Steve said out of fright as he met the eyes of an angry porcupine.




"Wassup new brother how you hanging?"

"... UM... GOOD!?"

I smile as it reaches to my eyes as I show my fangs and glare Steve down with my gleaming eyes.

"Touch my pop tarts and they wont find a body."
The boy gulps before quickly nodding as classes resume about a boring lecture about getting our hero licenses.

"To be honest though getting a license is kinda stupid, if you want to save someone then do it. It's not that hard."
Steve nods to my whisper ranting that I often do now.

"...psttttt Shoto." I call out bored out of my mind as Shoto turns around lazily and raises his eyebrows as a sign of 'what do you want now?'

I roll my eyes and look out the window then back at him.
'I want to leave- bored'

He playfully glared then looked up then down.
'Of course you are'

'I can read minds not you guys so stop its creeping me out.'
We both glare at Steve.
'Get out of our heads.'

He looked sad as he looked down as Shoto and I resumed our eye taking when suddenly there was this annoying ringing meaning we can go home and sleep! Yippy!

"Agatha, Steve, come here."
I dragged my feet as Mr-Ive-been-in-this-family-for-2-minutes-im-already-the-favorite-child, quickly walks up to the teacher expecting greatness.

"Go get food, here money."
He lazily handed me the cash as Steve looked disappointed one second, the next ecstatic to go.

On our way out the door we got interrupted once more.
"OI, im coming too can't have you get fucking kidnapped again."

I pout of course while I glare at the hedgehog.

"Oh please, if anything word got out that im the worst prisoner to hold hostage in the entire universe! They're making tic tok memes of me for goodness sake!"

Steve rolls his eyes.
"...She's not wrong, there was times I gave her some alcohol and my goodness she suddenly knew all the lyrics to single lady's by Beyoncé."

I start anime crying at im still a single burrito. Then suddenly, like all teenager girls minds do.

Hey wait! Theres a boy I like!

Without any warning I sprint down the hallways not having a single problem, why? Because I can run better then I can walk, actually this reminds me of the tic tok where you have to rush to do everything? God so many tic tok references they gotta stop at some point.

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