Chapter 51: The forest P.7

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'Beautiful' Shoto thought as he pushed the hair behind the sleeping girls ears as he held her close and fell asleep,

'Comfy' Bakuhoe sleepily thought as an arm of his best bro was unconsciously over his waist as the two boys fell asleep with another.

Unaware of the dangers ahead.

By this time tomorrow...

Not all will be present.


The morning sun arose from the heavens casting an orange glow before the earth as it woke only one.

Instead of cursing the day, he was wishing it would never end as he sat up and looked down at the sleeping devil under him. Her soft snores were heard over Bakuhoes. As he smiled.

'She'd probably cut my head of without listening to a word i said if she woke up.' He sighs probably right as he goes to move off from on top of her only for her to reach her arm out and drag him back down to earth as she held him close to her chest finding comfort.

Meanwhile, 'oh no.' Shoto thought as he moved his head to the side to breath.

He then wiggled his arm free and reached over her waist to lift himself up only to hear a soft sound escape her.

'Heavens help me' he really was conflicted. To stay and fall back asleep risking death or to leave and be sad about living.

Of course he was a gentleman and tried moving away but she held firm to his head in her grasp.

'Handsy much?' Finally he was freed as he was barely leaning above the girl, finally being able to breath. But his breath got caught in his throat once he opened his eyes to see how close their faces were.

'Oh god why must you do this to me.' He was really conflicted now.

He was about to lean in but the sound of death sirens loudly played signaling "wake up morons!" As Shoto flung himself backwards into the wall as he started rapidly breathing activating his fire that started burning the alerted people besides him.


Basically it was all chaotic but everyone failed to notice that there was still a girl in the room with them as some boys started to get dressed.

'SCREAMMMMMMMMM!' A high pitched scream was heard then the roof came down on us all as someone stupidly had flown through it to escape.

That person was you...


Waking up to sirens isn't the best thing to wake up too, however i woke up to be surrounded by BOYS! AIZAWA THIS HAS YOU WRITTEN ALL OVER IT! Then people started undressing and thats when i decided to take my leave as i transformed into a fucking night fury and flew straight through the ceiling and into the air. I stayed in the clouds above until my heart stopped racing, then i soared downward making a loud screeching sound that terrified the heavens and the humans below as i was diving towards the ground but pulled up at the last seconded and at the speed of light i simply drifted without flapping towards everyone else. However i was going to fast and couldn't stop in time so i almost ran into Aizawa but don't sweat he moved out of the way quick enough so i just ran into the trees instead. I must've taken down 15?20? Trees before i came to a full stop.

"Owwwwwww" I groan as i change back to myself and start walking back, having to hop over the wrecked trees to get there. I rub my head finally out of the clearing as the class jackasses were trying to suppress their laughs. All but one.

"HAHA DUMBASS! LAND NOT CRASH!" Bakuhoe laughs as Shoto looked actually concerned for my well being but one look at me and he got flashes of this morning which made him furiously start blushing forcing him to look away.

"Don't aim for me too by the way." Aizawa pointed out while i just nod as I walked over to the girls as they asked me if i was fine. A simple nod was all they got.

"Ok on with the training! Same as yesterday!"

Everyone groaned, some panicked, and some just dropped dead on the ground, hat person was yours truly.

"Didn't we learn from last time?" Aizawa smirked at me.

"UGHHHHH! I DONT EVEN REMEMBER STOPPING TRAINING! JUST WAKING UP-" I stop myself as i slowly look at all the boys glaring daggers as they all start sweating and looking away.

"Cowards..." I mutter as none of them could look me in the eyes.

Aizawa however became a dad again.

"What happened?

"You don't     want to know." I respond crossing my arms still glaring at the cowering boys.

"Tell me or no pop tarts." THat got me to spill everything.

"I woke up in the boys dorm." All the boys started screaming in fear as they all ran to their training grounds while Aizawa's eyes flashed red and his scarf floating ready to end his students finally.

"Were they hot?"

"Exactly WHERE did you wake up?"

"Did anyone have a six pack!" The girls were all asking me.

"I woke up to the siren and all of a sudden some guys started to get dressed forgetting about me so i flew through the ceiling to get away then ya'll know the rest." They all seemed to die as i said that some were changing as they all wanted in on the gossip.

"Look people! I tried to NOT see anything! The only thing i saw was..." I trail off remembering Shoto over me right when the siren happened. If i didn't wake up that quick, i would've missed it seeing as though he got off in milliseconds.

"The only thing you saw wassssss....?" Bubbles carried on as my face got red trying to think of something else to say except the truth.

'Oh yeah i just remember my best friend almost kissing me while i was asleep'

"I saw Deku's six pack." That caused them all to be jealous especially Bubbles as her face went bright red just imagining it. I laugh awkwardly while i start to walk off.

"Well I'm off! Be careful not to see me! You all know what happened when dark shadow saw!" They all go pale at the memory of a DARK FUCKING SHADOW screaming and looking like they just saw the most scariest thing on earth....... an Aizawa.

They all laugh awkwardly while walking to their respected training grounds. As i walked into the pit of hell, my training ground from yesterday for short. I start working on my training but not exerting all my energy knowing my drawbacks now.

And I wanted to be ready

For the surprise

For the...



....<- Kiribaka



I can't wait to use my new monsters on Bakuhoe!

And that little twerp deserves to payyyyyyyyy~

They wont need class against class, they'll need Aizawa(s) vs the classes

( 1,171 words )

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