Chapter four

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A: I would actually kinda like that *smiles*

Asher Prov
What the heck is happening! It sounds like she is talking to him LIKE A WHOLE CONVERSATION AND NOW THEY BOTH ARE LEAVING TOGETHER!!

M: so are you from around here?
A: yeah I live in a apartment.
M: any brothers sisters?
A: no I live by myself
M: oh can I tell you something
A: sure
M: you are actually really pretty
A: oh thx😅 (got shy)
M: what school do you go to
A: attaway
M: no way i go there too
Annie starts to giggle

Matt Prov
We got to Rita's and ate outside we were having a good time then I realized that there was a dude following them and he looked really mad at me so u asked-

M: Annie do you got a boyfriend?
A: no why
M: don't look but this dude started to follow us when we were leaving the skate park and if looks could kill trust me I'd be dead a long time ago.
A: ok how about to take a picture of me and I will look at the background. Let me pose to not make it suspicious.

*they took the photo*
*matt gave her his phone*

A: (mumbles) Asher?
M: what was that?
A: it's Asher
M: you know him?
A: uh not really
M: let's confront him
A: you sure
M: or.....
A: or what
M: I mean look at him he surly likes you
A: *bursts out laughing* no he doesn't but or what?
M: ok I know we just met but at school all my friends have girlfriends and they bully me because I don't have one so....
A: so? Wut? Go on
M: could you be my fake girlfriend? PLEASEEEE
A: uhhh I don't know dude
A: look if I agree what's in it for me?
M: whatever you want
A: hmmm let me think

Annie Prov
You may say I have a tinnnnnnnyyyy crush on Asher. Like he was the first boy in a long time to come and talk to me soooo.. I can try to make him a little jealous right! What could go wrong. Then words escaped my mouth..

A: ard I agree

*he hugs her she giggles and smiles then hugs him back*

Asher Prov
WHAT THE FU** this dude is hugging Annie that's when I walked over to their table and I felt like I was about to punch this dude then I heard

M: do you know this guy Annie?
A: ye from school
M: is he your friend
A: I mean I guess I met him about 2 days ago or so
Ash: Annie who is this *mad tone*
A: oh he's-
M: hers boyfriend is their a problem dude?

Annie Prov
When Asher heard Matt say that ashers face turned like a cherry he was mad mad. It WAS SO ADORABLE that means he like me and he was jealous❤️❤️ sorry Asher but I'm trying to help a friend

M: anyway babe do you want to go to the movies?
A: omg yes! Can we watch five feet apart?
M: omg noooooo
A: PLEASEEEE *puppy eyes*
M: come on I can't say no to that
A: was that a yes? *sounds really happy*
M: that was a yes
M: alright see you later Asher

Asher Prov
Annie never told me she had a boyfriend I was so freaking jealous. I should be the one talking her to the movies not him! I left before saying anything I could believe it!

Annie Prov
I felt bad for Asher but he needs to know I can be every evil. But I'm not gamma lie I thought it was kinda adorable when he was all red😘 but we went to see the movie and I ended up crying a lot.

M: come on Ann's don't cry
A: but but *snif* but it was so sad
M: only losers cry
A: I'm not a loser your a loser
M: and that's why you are a shorty

Annie turned to see him with a serious expression

A: take that back
M: oh no is someone mad
A: Matt take that back
M: oh no the shorty has a short temper that's ironic * breaks out laughing*

Annie went to punch him but Matt dodge the hit and Matt kept cracking up Annie decided to punch him again but she missed once again. Then Matt started to run away from her saying

M: the shorty has a short temper! The shorty has a short temper! The shorty has a short TEMPER

just when he said that last word he crashed into a wall and Annie bursted our laughing

A: ahahahagahgaga what a loser agahagaha!
M: woah you can't laugh at me it's against the law
A: what law?

Annie then burst out laughing once again. Them Matt drove her home and she went to bed.

Annie Prov
I don't really like Matt but I had a amazing time with him. I guess I can consider her as a boy best friend. She smiled and went to bed.

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