Chapter 12

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Ca: Annie you want to watch a movie!
A: ok loser I'm on my way!

A: hey Asher I think you can uhh- maybe- kinda um.... Asher?

Asher has fallen asleep

Annie prov
I didn't want him to let go of me. I was kinda happy. So I texted carson

A: let me rain check on the movie
Ca: oh alright why?
A: nothing
Ca: hmmm okay

Annie stayed there and cuddled with him


Asher prov
I woke up to annie shaking I touched her and she was freezing cold. I let go of Annie and noticed she started to cry.

A: why did you leave me... I needed you... do you not love me? Why....
Ash: huh? What do you mean?
*he turns around and noticed that she was sleeping*
Ash: oh
*Asher got the blanket and layer next to her*
Ash: it's okay. Shhhhhhh.... I got you. I will never leave you.
*he covered them with a blanket and pulled her in a hug*
Ash: watch one day I'm going to call you mine.
*they kept cuddling until Asher fell asleep*

About 30 minutes had passed when annie woke up she was able to squeeze out from ashers arms and changed. () she went downstairs and hung out with the boys for a little. Annie received an unknown call

A: hello?
?: oh hey Julian nice to hear your voice again...
*annie made a Frightened face causing the attention of some of the boys*
A: h-how
?: come outside or else you know what's going to happen
=end of call=

A: g-guys I'm going outside for some air
Ca: you sure you seem a little off
Co: want me to go with you?
A: NO! It's fine. I need some time alone
*she walked out before anyone could say anything else*

*2 minutes had passed then they heard annie screaming*


Everyone ran outside but annie was not there anymore

TIME: 11:36 (it's dark outside)

Ca: hey dude wake up
Ca: Asher wake up!
Au: did you wake up asher?
*Asher starts to wake up*

Asher jumps up a screams


Asher prov
we have been looking for annie for 3 days and we know nothing about her! Today is going to be the 4th day of annie being missing! I got up and changed and went out the door to look for annie.. but I saw a boy standing out the door

Ash: who are you
?: I need to talk to annie
Ash: she's not here
?: don't lie I need to talk to her
Ash: no she is NOT HERE
The person grabbed Asher and pushed him to the wall
Ash: well someone kidnapped her and she isn't here.
?: it must've been Jax and Jonathan
Ash: wait you know who took her?

The person let's go of Asher and heads to his car.Asher grabs the person

Ash: I'm going with you
?: I don't even know you
Ash: I love annie! Let me go with you!

He stares at asher

?: okay let's go

*they get in the car and drive off*

?: name
Ash: huh
?: what's your name?
Ash: oh my name is Asher
?: asher my name is Caleb nice to meet you
Ash: same here but can I know who you ar-

(C= Caleb)
C: we are here
Ash: wait uh

Asher turns to see an abandoned place it looked scary

Ash: I can't believe the have annie in their
C: okay pretty boy you need to stay here and I'll go get her
Ash: no I will go get annie
C: shut up and listen to me I am-
Ash: I am the one who is going to save the girl I love. So you WAIT HERE
C: what is your relationship with Annie
Ash: I am going to ask her to be my girlfriend
C: okay go save my little sister
Ash: I WILL- wait did you say little sister?!!
C: yup she's my sister
Ash: I'm going

Asher ran inside to look for annie

And their he saw her. She had her arms tied up and tape on her mouth. Asher got closer and noticed she was having trouble breathing!
She started to skate and gasp for air! Asher saw 2 boy walking up to her and they started to punch and kick annie!

?: you will never be my sister *punches annie*
??: you slut *kicks*

Asher prov
I couldn't control my anger anymore! I ran up to them and punched the tall dude leaving him unconscious. Then I punched the short on 4 times but he was able to run away! I ran to annie and carried to! I ran to the car!

Ash: do you have her medication

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