Chapter 6

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We went to class
*skip to lunch*

Annie Prov
I was heading out to eat at the park but then I felt someone stop me. I turned around and saw Matt.

M: where are you going?
A: I was going to eat outside.
M: why??
A: I don't have any frien-
M: but you do have a *whispers* fake BOYFRIEND
A: *giggles* right I have a best friend now😂
M: so let's pretend to to be in love right now because
*pulls me*
We are going to eat lunch together! Please?
A: okay but do I have to talk?
M: yes
A: I don't want to tho
M: come on you have to
A: *puppy eyes* I don't want toooooooo
M: okay I'll just tell them you are shy but try to talk to them tho
*they arrive to the table*
?: who's This hots stuff
??: woah is are you single
???: woah..........
M: guys at least introduce yourself! And where is Greg?
?: my name is Austin
??: the names Connor
???: Johnny and idk he said he was bringing someone.

(Let's pretend everyone is the same age 16 Annie is the youngest 15)
(Au= Austin)
(Co= Connor)
(Jo= Johnny)
(G= Greg)

G: hey everyone me- woah who's this cutie!
(Annie giggles)

M: Greg where's your new pal?
G: he getting lunch
Jo: so who's this adorable human being?
M: she's my girlfriend
*all their mouth drop*
Au: wait ur lying right
M: nope
Jo: he's lying
M: I'm not
G: there's no way he is lying 100%
*annie grabs him and kisses him on the mouth*
A: *raises her right eyebrow* do you still think he's lying?
*everyones mouth drops to the ground*
*matt starts to blush*
Jo: so he's not lying?
M: told you
Jo: that's sad I was going to try to make her my girl
G: what happened to your girl Johnny?
Jo: oh we broke up
Au: am I the only one who is still surprised that Matt actually has a hot girlfriend?!
*just then Greg's friend appeared*
G: oh this is my new friend

Asher Prov
I made a new friend Greg and told him I really didn't have any friends but Annie so he invited me to eat lunch with his friends. I went to get my lunch and headed to his friends table. On my way there I saw Annie grab Matt and kiss him ON THE LIPS! I felt hurt. My heart fell apart. I still decided to walk to there table. Greg announced me the his friends but Annie didn't even realize I walked over. It felt awful then I heard

A: Matt stop *laughs*

I see Annie sitting on Matt's lap and he was tickling Annie and she was dying of laughter.... then when he stopped he whispered to Annie's ear and she turned to see me.

Matt Prov
I made Annie sit on my lap and I noticed she felt kinda awkward about it so I decided to tickle her to lighten the mood. While I was tickling her I realized Asher was dead staring at us so I decided to let Annie know.

M: *whispered* Annie Asher is here starting
*annie immediately looks up*
A: her Asher *she threw up a peace sign and smiles*

Asher Prov
Ugh when she did that my heart kinda fixed itself a little! She is so freaking adorable! So I smile and waved back.

Annie Prov
Omg when Asher smiled, you could see his freaking adorable dimples. I felt like I just melted! But I have this feeling that says "be with him" "be with him" but I couldn't... then I noticed Asher was coming towards me.

Asher Prov
I couldn't help it anymore I was so jealous! I decided to sit next to Annie.

I grabbed her hand under the table and pulled her off Matt's lap.

Annie Prov
I felt someone grab my hand I jumped and then I felt someone pull me off of Matt's lap. I looked around and saw Asher smirking and I giggled.

Matt Prov
Out of fucking no where Annie got pushed off my legs! Like who the heck would do tha- then I saw Asher smirking and looked at Annie and she was giggling then I remember that she would never like me. She considers me a best friend 😔

*they ate lunch and Annie said she needed to go to her locker*

Next period Annie and Asher has math together but Annie never came to class

Asher Prov
Annie said she needed to go to her locker real quick and she left her book bag. The bell went off and we needed to go to class so I decided to take Annie's book bag with me. But she didn't arrive to our class. I felt awkward so I texted Annie


Ash: Annie?
Ash: you coming to class?
Ash: you okay?
Ash: please respond.
Ash: ima look for you.
Ash: where are you

Asher Prov
Annie didn't answer any text but round 1 I got a call and it was from...

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