Chapter 11

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*one hour before*

Matt texted annie

M: hey annie
A: ye
M: the girl who I liked said said if she could be my girlfriend sooo.
A: are you fake breaking up with me
M: u caught me
A: lol no it's fine
M: okay best friend
A: shorty
A: yup shorty
M: lol

*present time*

I grabbed annie and kissed her on the lips! She was shocked and then we were interrupted by Johnny. He called me and then I had to let go of Annie

Phone call

Jo: dude
Ash: yeah
Jo: pizzas here
Ash: ok I was just waking up annie
Jo: hurry up

Annie prov
Asher just kissed me. ASHER LITERALLY JUST KISSED ME! but I didn't kiss back because I'm scared

Ash: let's go downstairs the pizza is here
A: no you go I'm not hungry
Ash: nope you are going to eat something before you sleep
A: no for real I'm not hung-

Before annie could finish her sentence Asher picked up annie and put her on his shoulder facing down ()

A: Asher put me DOWN
ASH: nope
ASH: ... *starts to laugh*

*Asher goes down and Annie is still on his shoulder*


Before she could finish Asher put her down and everyone was staring at them

Jo: what the heck
M: what just happened
G: that's was funny
Au: what's up with you two

Annie starts to runs up stairs

Ca: I think your girly has ran
Ash: what?

Asher turns to look at annie but she's not there

Ash: oh no she didn't

He runs towards her

Annie notices and starts to run faster and laughs

A: oh asher you're too slow to catch up yo me
Ash: we will see about that

Annie runs to her room and grabs a random skateboard and runs downstairs

A: bye guys! He won't be able to catch me *laughs*

A: tell asher GAME ON

Asher runs to her room

Ash: she must be here! The door is locked, which means she is here!

Back to annie

Annie prov
Before I ran out of my room I locked my door so that Asher could think I was in my room! You see what I did there. Anyway I was

Back to asher

Asher was able to unlock Annie's door but she wasn't in their! He went downstairs to the boys

Ash: where is annie?
Ca: she ran outside with a skateboard
Ash: she must be at the skatepark
JO: she said to tell you "GAME ON"
Ash: oh so it's basically hide and go seek

Asher went to the skatepark but she wasn't there! He decided to text annie

Ash: Annie where are you
A: why do you mean
Ash: where are you right now
A: I'm on planet earth...
ASH: no really... send me ur location
A: nah I rather not
Ash: why is that
A: because let's see if you can find me

Annie prov
Ok before you kill me I decided to trick everyone. Here let me explain my plan. Once Asher let me go I ran upstairs to hide but then I thought that maybe I should trick him. Before I ran out of my room, I left the window open, grabbed a skateboard, and locked the door. Here's why. I locked the door so that Asher could think I was in my room and I could have more time to run from him. I grabbed my skateboard so that when I ran passed the boys they would tell asher I had my skateboard and he would go to the skatepark.
Lastly, I left the window before after I run out of the house I would climb the tree outside my room and go in the window. Now you see my trick? He won't be able to find me!

I heard asher run out the house and I went inside my room from the window. I changed into my pjs () And walked downstairs. The boys reaction was funny! They were shocked

M: wait didn't you just-
Jo: how to FUK
Co: we saw you run out
G: how did you enter
Au: what the-
Ca: I see you've been getting better
*carson Hugs annie*
*Annie giggles*
A: never underestimate me boys
Everyone laughs
Co: but how did you do it
A: Secret's are called secrets for a reason any way I'm hungry
Jo: Asher went running to catch you
A: he won't find me
*Annie got 2 slices of pizza and a cup of sprite*

Just as Annie entered the room she saw asher sitting on her bed.

A: ahhhhh what's the- how the- YOU

Jo: I guess annie found out that's Asher also is a master in outsmarting people
CA: awwww a perfect match
M: they both outsmart people


A: HOW THE- I - you?
Ash: you could say I'm a outsmarting master
A: pfft no you are not
Ash: now why is that Leblanc
A: maybe it's because I am the master not you!
Ash: nah you're just a princess I'm the king

Annie prov
I felt butterflies in my stomach when Asher called me a princess but then reality smacked me across the face! He was trying to take the THRONE away from me! Not on my watch..... maybe I should tease him...

A: well every king needs a queen *goes near to him*

Asher prov
OH NO SHE DID NOT JUST- is she- I- uhhh- hot- she's crazy- and that's hot! I can't think straight, I just want to grab her and kiss her! Just when I was about to grab her she said

A: a queen to take over the throne! GAME ON

Asher prov
Wait she- oh I see- she was teasing me!

Ash: well played Leblanc... well played...
A: that's what I do I'm filled with secrets

Asher prov
I looked in Annie's eyes and realized that it's true. People's eyes is a doorway to their souls! When I looked at her I was able to see the sadness in her eyes and I pulled her in a tight hug.

A: oh I- *she hugs back*

They stay like that for about 5 minutes. Then they heard

Ca: Annie you wanna

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