Chapter 15

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C: half of our school got flooded and the roof fell apart so it's going to close for two years
A: so we are going to stay stupid for two years?
C: no, that's why they invented homeschool!

Asher walked downstairs
Ash: that's what you said last time when we told you *he smiled*
*he walks up to them and takes a seat*

An awkward silence fell on them...

C: sooo... did you sleep comfortably last night?
*Annie gives Carson a shock look*
*Asher looks at annie*
A: gud but I had a lot of nightmares
Ash: she had one of her-
Ash: what?
A: yeah I bumped into you when I was on my way back
C: Oh ok but did those dreams trigger anything like did you use your medication
A: nope I'm perfectly fin-.... well not perfectly but I'm fine!

Caleb went upstairs to sleep more
Annie starts to head toward her rooms
Asher grabs Annie's are before she could leave

A: *gasp*
Ash: I'm sorry but why didn't you tell him
A: what that we slept in the same bed?
Ash: stop acting stupid you know what I mean
A: I do not
Ash: when I had to inject you with your medication last night!
A: lower your voice or someone will hear you.
Ash: why don't you tell him
A: ima go to my room
She breaks free from Asher and heads to her room. Asher run towards her and picks her up bridal way and takes her to his room.
A: Asher what the heck
She heads toward the door but Asher ran and leaned on the door
A: Asher move
Ash: no
A: Asher Move.
Ash: not until you tell me when you won't tell caleb about your medication
Annie just kept staring at asher
A: maybe because I don't want to go to the doctors anymore! I hate it that I have to go every week
Ash: hold up you have to go every week?!!
A: yes but I haven't been going
Ash: ANNIE! That's dangerous why- you- just why
A: because I want to live a normal life. This condition had gotten me nowhere and I hate that
Ash: but annie your health is more important.
A: no not to me
A: I would rather live a short but exciting life than a long boring one
*Asher in shock of Annie's answer got off the door*
*Annie saw what had happened so she left his*

*Went to her room and got her skateboard*
A: god I haven't used you in a long time (she's talking to the skateboard)

Annie went out of the house and put her mask and contacts on. She skated to the skatepark and started to practice a lot of tricks.

*15 minutes later*

Annie has been practicing the same trick over and over but she can't get it
She tries doing it again but this time she starts to fall.
Someone catches her

?: careful there b
Annie looks up and sees...

She looks up and sees a person she have never met.

A: thank you
?: no problem
A: I keep trying to do this trick but I really can't accomplish it
?: I noticed I started to stare at you for a while wait HOPEFULLY THAT DOESN'T SOUND LIKE I'M A CREEP BECAUSE IM NOT

Annie giggles

?: I was staring so u could analyze what you were doing and I got a couple of tips for you
A: go on
?: well instead of........
*the person started to give annie tips and she was able to complete her trick*
A: omg thank you so much
?: no problem anyway I dig your outfit
A: thanks
?: hey before you leave I don't remember catching your name!
A: that's because I don't throw my name *smirks*
?: *smirks* well my name is drake
A: nice to know anyway I have to go

(D= drake)
D: * stops annie* wait do you come here often
A: once in a while but I might come here more frequently.

Before drake could say anything annie skates off and she went home. But she didn't enter from the front door because she was super late 1:34 AM. She decided to enter from her window once again. She went in her room and set her skateboard down and went to bed.

Meanwhile Asher prov
Where the heck is she at! She's not even in her room. Everyone is sleeping and she ran off! It's deadass 1 am and she hasn't even entered the front door.

I decided to wait for another hour but she didn't enter the front door. So I headed up stairs and decided to check her room one more time.

Asher went in Annie's room and saw annie sleeping peacefully.

Ash: gosh annie it's 2 AM...

He kept looking at her and smiled

Asher prov
God she is so adorable! What did I do to deserve her! ❤️

Asher went to his room and slept the whole night.
Asher woke up at 8:30 and went downstairs to make pancakes.

Everyone else started to wake up accept for annie

Jo: what smells so good
M: ye I was sleeping but when I smelled this I woke up
Au: oh that smells good
Co: Asher you can cook?!
G: I can smell it from upstairs
Ca: can we eat now!
C: right it smells good
Ash: yeah

*they stat to eat*

It's already 12 in the afternoon

C: where is annie
Au: yea
Ca: most likely still sleeping
Ash: I'll go check on her

Annie was changing but thankfully Asher knocked first

*knock knock*
A: I'm going
*annie opens the door*
Ash: oh you are awak— wait what are you wearing! No go back and change
A: wait what why
Ash: Annie you- no- go change- boys these days- and- you....
A: finish your sentence
Ash: no go change
A: no *she starts to walk out*

Annie stops

Ash: Annie I'm worried if something might happen to you. I really like you and... and... I- I don't feel comfortable that you can walk out with such a sexy outfit without me being there. What if something happened to you. Annie I really really like you and I want to keep you safe because if I-

Before Asher could finish his sentence and walks to him and.

Annie prov
I walked up to asher. Idky but I think I really like him. I grabbed him and kissed him thankfully his kissed back

They break apart

Ash: now are you going to change your clothes?
A: so señor

Annie went in her closet and changed to something less revealing

Ash: I like this better let's go eat
A: huh

Asher took annie to a restaurant

Ash: Annie I really like you and I know this may seem a little to soon but I can't wait any more. I fall in love with you every single day and I don't think I can take any longer. Annie Leblanc will you be my girlfriend?

Annie stayed quiet for some time

Ash: I get I-
A: yes
Ash: it you said n- WAIT WHAT really
A: yes asher I will like to be your girlfriend

Asher picked annie up and kissed her they finished eating and they went home.

They went back home

A: do we tell the rest that we are dating?
Ash: let's tell them tomorrow I just want to cuddle with you
A: *giggles* okay let go then

Asher grabbed Annie's hand and he took her to his room

A: woah your room is giant giant! I never been in here before
Ash: let's watch a movie
A: okay
Ash: horror movie?
Ash: come on
A: but... I- fine..- BUT NO CORALLINE
ASH: *smirked* okay

They watched the mama and During the whole movie annie would bury her face in ashers chest.
Then Annie fell asleep.

The movie was still playing but when Asher noticed annie fell asleep he paused the movie and cuddled with her

Ash: I'm so lucky to have you

Ash: I love you
A: I love you too asher

Annie hugged Asher and they both fell asleep


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