Chapter 14

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She cries even harder

Ash: ANNIE UMM WHAT WHAT DID I DO! I'm really sorry! PLEASE STOP CRYING! I don't like to see you cry!

Annie kept crying

Asher starts to pace around the room and tumbles and falls

Annie giggled
Ash: hey that's not funny

Caleb smirked and walked in

Caleb prov
Asher seems like he really likes her! I'm really happy! She deserves the world!

C: Annie the doctor said we can leave now or do you want to wait till morning?
A: can we go now?
Ash: yes

They go home.

Ash: Caleb we have many spare rooms. If you want you can move in with us.
C: sorry dude but if I move in I have to bring someone else with me.
Ash: don't worry you can bring as many people as you want... wait but don't bring a village tho..
A: wait where the heck are we
C: home.
A: where's my room
Ash: I'll take you

They go to their room
A: there's no freaking way this is my ROOM! It'S SO GIANT! It'S LIKE A DREAM COME TRUE
Ash: yes that's what you said last time...
C: anyway good night kiddos
Ash: well Caleb's room is downstairs and I'm right next door ok?
A: yeah, thank you so much

Around 4:40 AM

Annie woke up with tears

Annie prov I keep getting nightmares about my other brothers.. I don't want to sleep alone. I'm scared.... I decided to walk down the hallway.. I saw Asher door open. When I peeked in I saw that he was sleeping in his bed. I walked in and laid next to him.

Asher prov
I got on my bed and started to scroll down Instagram when I heard someone walking down the hallway. I turned off my phone and pretended to be asleep. Then I heard someone walk in my room and lay next to me. I peeked and saw annie laying right next to me! What IN THE WORLD?!!! I decided to move. I covered her with my blanket and wrapped my arms around her.

Annie prov
After I was next to asher I felt him move. HE WAS AWAKE! He didn't say anything but he covered me with his blanket and hugged me tightly. Somehow I felt safe with him. Then before I knew it, I fell asleep

Asher prov
It hasn't even been 5 minutes when I realized she fell asleep. I looked at her. God she isn't hot she is beautiful❤️. I think I actually..

*next morning*

Asher prov
I woke up at 5 in the morning (15 minutes had passed) I heard annie crying and talking.

A: please leave me alone.... Jax Jonathan let me go...
ash: it's okay annie. It's a nightmare

Then Annie started to shake and gasp for air!

Ash: shit

Thank god i had extra medication with me! I jumped out of bed and went in my bookbag I grabbed a needle and injected it to annie. This time I had to wait longer for a reaction! 10 seconds had passed and I started to get worried but I when I heard her take a breath I felt relief. But this time I had to wait 15 seconds... you may think 8 seconds doesn't make a difference but when the one you love is running out of air to breathe it feels like a long time... After annie took a deep breath she fainted again. I guess her body is used to the medication yet. I grabbed her and laid her on my bed and went back to sleep.

Annie prov
I woke up in someone's bed and felt someone hugging me. I turned around and saw Asher... then I remember everything that had happened earlier.. then I said without noticing

A: crap I thought it was a dream

She got up from the bed and went downstairs where she saw Johnny.

A: oh um good morning
Jo: oh goo- WAIIIIIIT ANNIE?! When- HOW- yo!

He ran up to annie and hugged her

Jo: I was so worried
A: um I'm sorry but do I know you ?
Jo: wait what? *He let go of annie* it's me Johnny
A: sorry, I really don't remember me
C: dude why are you screaming
Jo: SHE- and who the hell are you?
C: Caleb Annie's older brother?  What were you saying
Jo: oh yea your sister is broken!
C: huh
Jo: she says she doesn't remember me!
C: Oh doctors said that she has lost 8% of the memory... where is she
Jo: downstairs

*Caleb walks downstairs*
C: hey Ann's
A: hey shorty
C:how you holding up
A: gud just a little confused
C: I'm sorry but your going to have fun
A: why
C: because of school
A: Carson! What part of school is fun?
C: the thing is that we won't go to school

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