Chapter 10

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*Asher got really mad and his cheeks turned red (because of the anger)*

*everyone entered the apartment*

the first thing everyone noticed was Annie's skateboards! Like I mean the were everywhere she had like 50 and she also had separate pieces!

M: woah I never knew you liked skateboarding this much
A: yeah I actually kind make my own skateboards
Ash: that is so cool! Can you make me one someday?
A: most definitely
Jo: me too and you have to teach me
Ca: I'll take annie skateboards!
*everyone stays in shock*
Jo: side note: let's never mess with Annie's skateboards

They started to pack everything and after a couple of hours the whole apartment was plain with the boring furniture.

Asher prov
Annie apartment was so tiny and comfortable but then I realized she didn't really have much clothes... SHE HAD MORE SKATEBOARDS THAN CLOTHES!!!!! Woah she must really like skateboarding... but before I knew it we were done packing she only had 4 boxes. One box with clothes and three boxes of skateboard things.

Jo: alright that's everything let's go

*they go back to home*

A: thank you guys so much
Ash: no problem
M: ifc bbby
Au: ye can we order pizza
M: good idea
Jo: anyone disagree

*no one makes a sound*
Jo: okay then Asher you order
Ash: no way you guys always confuse me because you order to much
Jo: okay then Austin you order
Au: okay

*Annie goes to her room*

Annie prov
I can't believe this is my room! What did I do to deserve this!! But I miss some people and I wish they could be here with me... Annie takes out a book from her book bag and opens it.

Asher prov
I went to check on Annie because I saw her run to her room. This just when I was about to enter her room I saw here open her book bag and reach for a book. I thought it was a normal book but when she opened it I realized it was a secret box inside a book. She put a pin in and opened it. Then she reached in and started to move things in the box but I couldn't see what she was specially doing. I decided to walk in. Once I walked in she turned around SO FREAKING FAST AND closed the book.

A: Oh hey *smile*
Ash: what are you doing?
A: nothing just reading
*Annie shows him the cover of "the book"*
Ash: Oh I never heard of it? What's it about?
A: Oh um when is the pizza arriving?
Ash: in about 10 minutes
A: cool so I'll start to unpack
Ash: Oh ok I'll help
A: NO!
*Asher jumps*
A: it's fine I got this...
Ash: oh um ok
*Asher leaves*

Annie prov
That was a close one more second and he would've seen what was in my box! I can't let him know that I have siblings... or else they will keep hurting me... (NOT HAYLEY NOT CALEB) annie starts to cry..

A few minutes after asher knocks on annie door. Annie doesn't open. He knocks again but she doesn't open the door so he decides to go in. He walks in and sees no one in the closet so he goes up the stairs and sees no one. Then he goes up the ladder and sees Annie sleeping on her bed. She seemed to be having a nightmare.

Asher prov
I looked at annie. She was crying and she was moving but she was asleep. Was she having a nightmare? I touched her face and said

Ash: Annie...?
Ash: Anns?
Ash: Annie?

Then she jumped up and screamed

*she covered herself with the blanket and closed her eyes*

Asher prov
Oh crap she was having a nightmare-

Ash: Annie is me asher I'm not going to hurt you

-I went to take to move the blanket and I felt annie trembling. Her nightmare really did scare her.

Ash: Annie? It's okay. Remember what I said before I will always protect you

*Annie kept trembling*
*asher moved the blanket off of her but she still had her eyes shut closed so he held her*

Ash: Annie? It's Asher. Don't worry I got you.

*annie stop trembling but she started to gasp for air*

Asher prov

Annie started trembling even worse and she tried to breathe but she couldn't!

Asher put annie down and went running down to her closet looking for her book bag. He opened it and saw that annie had a lot of needles.

Asher prov
Thank god she has a lot

He got one and ran back to annie and injected it in her arm. He waited for about 7 seconds and then he heard annie take a deep breathe! He was scared and he hugged her really tight. Annie fainted. Asher noticed but he didn't want to let her go so he kept hugging her until they both fell asleep.

Asher prov
I woke up and looked at my phone. I saw that Johnny texted me 1 minute ago

Text convo

Jo: yo I took a pic
Ash: of what

Asher prov
Johnny had taken a picture of us sleeping together!

Ash: she had a nightmare don't tell Matt
Jo: don't worry I won't
Ash: thx bro
Jo: anyway pizza just got here
Ash: heading down

Asher prov
I looked at annie and I didn't want to wake her up because she was hugging ME! Like she was cuddling WITH ME but if I don't wake her up then she won't eat dinner and that's bad so I had to wake her up.

Ash: Annie?
Ash: yo annnnnnie?

He pokes her

Ash: remember when you did this to me
He laughs

*poke poke poke poke poke*
*Annie makes a mad face and wakes up*

*she looks at her position and how she is hugging Asher*
*she lets go*
Ash: no it's fine I was enjoying it
A: wait why were you and me in my bed
Ash: you had a nightmare and woke up screaming then you couldn't breathe and you needed medication the fainted
A: you don't know how thankful I am but if I fainted why were you on my bed?

Asher prov
Uhhhhhh what DO I SAY? I can't let her know I like her! I CAN'T SAY THE TRUTH OR SHE WILL THINK I'M A FREAK OR A WEIRDO!!! Then I lied to annie

Ash: well before you fainted you said "don't leave" so I didn't
A: oh I'm really sorry to have bothered you
Ash: are you hungry
A: actually I am..... VERY *she giggles*

Asher prov
When I heard her little giggle I felt my heart melt. The girl I like might even love cuddled with me and was now giggling and without thinking I grabbed her and...

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