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"taehyung! jimin! come in," seokjin, the oldest of their friend group welcomed them in. they removed their shoes and stepped inside hoseok's house. music roared from the living room and when the three boys entered, everyone shot up from their seats.

"hey guys!" hoseok sajd, hugging taehyung and jimin. "jimin-ah! i haven't seen you in a while, are you feeling better?" he had a worried look on his face.

"i'm not completely better, but i decided to come because taehyung said there was a gathering tonight. and as you said, it's been a long time since we've seen each other," jimin said with a smile. but since his mask was covering half of his face, you could only see his eyes form into crescents.

"yah, you really do care for me huh?" hoseok laughed. "get well soon alright? i miss dancing with you," he added.

"me too! me too!" the youngest of their group, jeongguk, said as he came to the hallway running and engulfing jimin into a hug. jimin laughed at his behaviour. aigoo jeongguk-ah, how i'm going to miss you when i'm gone, jimin thought to himself as he hugged him back.

they all returned to the living room where they all ate and cauht up with each other. however, jimin noticed something was missing. more specifically, someone.

it was as if taehyung could read his mind, so he asked the question himself. "ah, where's yoongi hyung?" he asked.

"he's on his way," hoseok replied. "he'll be here in about ten minutes.

ten minutes. jimin had ten minutes to recollect himself before spending the rest of the night stealing glances from the person he loved. also, he hadn't talked to him since his hanahaki got worse. how would he react? he didn't know, but he was lowkey panicking. he convinced himself that everything would be fine and that it wasn't going to be as bad.

ten minutes later the doorbell rang and hoseok instantly got up and made his way towards the main entrance of the house. hoseok's cheery voice talking to yoongi and letting him in the house was heard and once yoongi was in the living room, everyone greeted him. yoongi's eyes met jimin's and the younger blushed. however, thanks to his mask, the redness on his face couldn't be seen. yoongi smiled, which made jimin's heart flutter. "hi jimin, how's everything been?"

jimin calmed himself down before answering, "i-i'm good, not completely well yet but i'll get by. how's everything been for you?" he managed to ask without stuttering as much as he would.

"ah, i hope you get well quick! i made some songs for you," yoongi said. "i've been working on some songs and i thought they suited your voice well."

jimin felt petals creeping up his throat but no coughing happened. thank goodness this medecine works, jimin said to himself. "a-ah, really? i'll try to get better quick so i can sing," jimin said with a smile, again, you could tell it was a smile because his eyes turned into crescents. yoongi smiled back and jimin glanced at his intertwined hand with hoseok's.

he suddenly felt an uneasy feeling because his chest tightened, and he knew what it meant. "i-i'm gonna use the bathroom, i'll be right back," he said and rushed to the bathroom. once he was in he made sure to lock the door behind him and turn on the exhaust so they wouldn't hear him cough.

tears formed in his eyes from his violent coughing and his breaths turned into wheezes. he could feel small thorns ripping his vocal cords slowly, which will make his voice raspier and he wouldn't be able to sing for a while. sorry hyung, it looks like those songs will have to wait longer, jimin said as he coughed up more blood, rose petals and thorns. he finally finished and was now leaning on the toilet bowl in front of him, trying desperately to catch his breath. for the umpteenth time, his chest was heaving and aching, and his throat was sore from the coughing and the thorns. tears formed in his eyes as he silently sobbed.

meanwhile back downstairs, everyone was worried. "is jimin hyung okay?" jeongguk asked.

"he'll be alright, gguk. he'll be back," seokjin said and rubbed the maknae's back.

however, taehyung knew exactly what was going on. "i'll go check up on him, okay?" he said and the others nodded. he got up from his spot on the couch and gently knocked on the bathroom door. "jimin-ah? it's me, taehyung," he said softly.

he heard the doorknob click and some shuffling on the other side. when all noise stopped, well, other than the exhaust, he entered the restroom to find blood-soaked rose petals and bits of thorns. "oh my gosh, jimin..." he looked over to his friend, who was sitting in the corner of the bathroom. he sat down in front of him and saw that his lips were red from the coughing, his breaths were uneven and his eyes were red. tear streaks were also visible on his pale cheeks. taehyung grabbed the first aid kit from the cabinet and took a gauze and wet it with some water. he then proceeded to clean jimin's face. he didn't stop taehyung from doing so, he only watched him. taehyung continued and when he finished, he threw away the gauze and put the first aid back under the sink. he also flushed the toilet to get rid of the horrid sight.

they both fell silent for a while, until jimin threw himself onto taehyung and sobbed in his shoulder. "it hurts, taehyung. it fucking hurts," jimin said between sobs.

taehyung immediately hugged him back and rubbed his back soothingly. "it's okay jimin, it's okay," he repeated until the said boy's sobs turned into whimpers and his breathing steadied. the two stayed in that position until jimin spoke up.

"i-i want to go home," he said weakly.

"okay, i'll tell them you're not feeling well and i'll bring you home, okay?" taehyung said. jimin nodded and they stood up. jimin washed his face and dried it with the hem of his hoodie. together they stepped out of the restroom.

"jimin-ah! are you okay?" namjoon said.

"i-i'm not feeling that well hyung, i'm going to go back home to rest," jimin said.

"i'll take him home," taehyung added.

"oh, alright. get well soon, jimin. and get home safe," hoseok said. the others greeted him the same and jimin and taehyung went home.

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