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the next morning, jimin woke up to an empty hospital room. "huh? where are the others?" he asked himself, he had gotten so used to them being around him constantly. sighing, he slowly stood up and went to the bathroom to wash his face. he went back to his room and went back in bed, still tired.

suddenly, the door opened and revealed yoongi in his casual outfit along with a box of macarons and mochi. "good morning," he said, his gummy smile coming into view.

"good morning hyung," jimin smiled. "ooh, are those macarons and mochi?" he asked, taking the boxes from yoongi's hands and examining the contents of each one.

the older chuckled, "yeah, they reminded me of you," he said. he noticed how jimin's cheeks turned a light pink, the same color as one of the mochis in the box. he smiled and sat down beside the younger, who was now covering his face with his hands. he took them and removed them from his face. "aigoo~, so cute," he said.

jimin's face heated up more and twisted into a pained expression a second later. "h-hyung, garbage," he managed to say as he gagged. yoongi took the small garbage can and put it under him again. jimin coughed out much more flowers and blood than usual, which worried the older. to add to that, he was getting paler and skinnier as the days went by. yoongi hadn't told the others about jimin's sudden physical change, but he made a mental note to himself to do so later during the day.

when he finished, he wiped his mouth with a wet wipe and gulped down some water.

"sorry," yoongi apologized, realizing that his statement earlier was the cause of jimin's vomiting. "i didn't realize..."

"no, it's okay hyung," jimin said, shaking his head. "don't be sorry."

the door to jimin's hospital room opened and both boys averted their attention to the person who came in. it was doctor song.

"good morning, doctor?" yoongi said and stood up to bow at him. the doctor did the same.

"i'll just be checking up on jimin, it won't be long," he said.

"oh, doctor, jimin threw up a few minutes ago," yoongi said while he was working.

"ah, thank you for informing me, yoongi," he replied. doctor song too had gotten used to seeing the seven boys together and had learned their names over time. "jimin, everything seems to be alright. if there's anything else that happens, coughing or vomiting of flowers and petals, please let me know immediately."

"yes doctor. have a good day," yoongi said and bowed, the older male mirroring his gesture. he returned his attention to jimin, who was now taking his pills before breakfast, which were two pancakes, eggs and bacon. yoongi helped him set the tray of food down on the foldable table, and the younger ate.

about halfway through his second pancake he felt a sharp pain in his chest and he clutched his shirt as he winced in pain. "hyung, hyung i c-can't breathe," he choked out as yoongi rubbed his back soothingly, moving the table away and holding the small trash bin under him as he coughed violently. blood, thorns, petals and roses filled the garbage bag below him as he emptied his system of the roses that were slowly killing him.

his throat itched and hurt, his chest heaved with every deep breath he took and his heart ached from the roots squeezing it. he sat up carefully and weakly took the water bottle from his sidetable, unable to uncap it.

"hey, i'll do it," yoongi offered, taking the bottle from jimin's hands and opening the bottle, helping him drink afterwards. "you should rest now, i know you're tired. i'll wake you up for lunch," he said.

jimin nodded and laid down in his bed, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep. meanwhile, yoongi texted the others to come to the hospital to surprise jimin.


around two hours later, jimin woke up and saw five other faces. he rubbed his eyes and saw that the others had came to visit him. "yah~, why didn't you guys tell me you were coming?" he asked, a smile on his face as he sat up.

"i told them to come," yoongi said with a small smile. "i knew you wanted them to come too, so i did."

jimin's smile widened and joy overcame him. "thank you, hyung," he said, hugging the older.

yoongi smiled and wrapped his arms around the younger. they stayed like that for a while until jimin started coughing again. quickly, yoongi picked up the garbage and placed it under him. more flowers fell out of his mouth and thorns ripped his vocal chords. luckily, doctor song came in and wheeled him out of his room for an x-ray.

the room was now filled with silence and the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. they waited patiently for doctor song to come back with the results and bring them good news.

just like they hoped, he came in. they all stood up, asking the dreaded question. "how is jimin?"

he sighed softly and adjusted his glasses. "he's alright for the moment, unfortunately we found the beginning of a main stem in his lungs, and it's going up to his throat quickly, which is why he's coughing out more flowers than usual."

he paused, looking at the six boys' hopeful eyes, feeling extremely sorry for them. "boys, i hate to break it to you...

...jimin has less that 24 hours to live."

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