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so i know this story is moving along relatively fast and yoonseok don't know that yoongi is the cause of jimin's hanahaki yet but TRUST ME GUYS,,, i have saved the tea and it shall be spilled ( i'll tell you guys a chapter or two in advance ). but they'll find out that jimin has hanahaki in this chapter

sO i hope you guys are enjoying this hanahaki fanfic and have fun reading :)
taehyung's phone rang on the coffee table and he picked it up. "it's jeongguk," he said and answered the call. "jeongguk, is everything okay?"

"hyung! come to jimin hyung's apartment now, please come quickly! he-he blacked out again, there's a lot of blood on the floor and there are a lot of flowers... hyung i'm scared... please, come with the other hyungs," jeongguk said.

"okay, okay. stay where you are, don't leave jimin's side. we'll be on our way," taehyung replied and ended the call. "hyungs, it's jimin. let's go."

the kims rushed in the car and to jimin's apartment complex. they went in the elevator and rode up to the fifth floor and ran to his apartment. they pushed the door open and ran to the bathroom, where they found a rose-covered floor, splatters of blood here and there, and a crying jeongguk holding an unconscious jimin. "hyungs, he needs to go back to the hospital... he needs the surgery, i don't know what's going to happen if he doesn't..." jeongguk said.

"i know, but we really can't force him on this... come on, let's go back to the hospital. maybe he was just suffocating, that happens a lot," taehyung said. jeongguk carried the older busan boy and they all left for the car.

however, their timing was wrong as two people stood in front of them.

min yoongi, and jung hoseok.

"oh my gosh, what happened? is jimin okay?" yoongi asked, worry filled in his tone and in his eyes.

now the kims and jeongguk knew they deserved an explanation. but, not the full story. at least, not yet.

"we'll explain later. now, come with us to the hospital so we can get jimin checked," namjoon said. they all headed out of the apartment and rushed to the hospital once again.

when they arrived, namjoon immediately looked for dr. song and when he did, he took jimin in for another checkup. now, everyone was at the café in the hospital, except for seokjin, who was in the waiting room for updates about jimin.

"so, what exactly happened to jimin?" hoseok asked, sipping his coffee.

"jimin has hanahaki disease," taehyung started. yoongi's eyes widened in shock and hoseok's too.

"what? for how long?" yoongi asked.

"two years," the younger daegu boy replied. "i know you know about hanahaki disease so i won't go into detail with defining it.

"so basically, after around two years, the hanahaki gets worse and starts settling in the patient's body more. their health goes really bad and they start coughing out more blood and eventually, full flowers. their lungs are filled with flower roots at either 75%, which is when the patient is in critical condition and is confined in the hospital and in need for an emergency surgery for the removal of the roots, or at 50%, which is when the patient is put in more danger than before, but usually doesn't need an emergency root removal. the cases are rare for a hanahaki patient who's lungs are at 50% of roots to have a mandatory surgery. this reduces the patient's lung capacity to 25% or 50%. right now, that's exactly what's happening to jimin. half of his lungs are filled with rose roots. he refuses to take the surgery because he doesn't want to, no matter how much i try to persuade him to. and because he's refusing, the roots are taking up more and more space in his lungs and it's getting harder for him to breathe. as of now, dr. song hasn't told me anything about a main stem growing, which is good, but he's still in critical condition," taehyung explained everything to the two hyungs in front of him.

"and we don't know how much time he has left, but i know it's most likely not a lot," namjoon said.

"whoever the person is, i hope they realize what they're doing to jimin," yoongi said. the kims and jeongguk all shared one thought when they heard what he said:

yoongi, you're the reason of jimin's hanahaki.

however, they didn't voice their thoughts now. they promised each other that they would tell yoonseok soon. just not now.

namjoon's phone buzzed on the table and he picked it up. he had a call from seokjin. "it's seokjin hyung," he said and answered. "hyung, is there any news of jimin?"

"yes, i'm with dr. song right now. come, i'm still in the waiting room," seokjin said on the other line.

"okay, we'll be on our way," namjoon replied and ended the call. "let's go, there's news of jimin."

they threw away their empty cups of coffee and exited the cozy café. they rode up the elevator and founf seokjin talking to dr. song. they walked up to him and dr. song greeted them, seokjin turned around and gave them a smile.

"doctor, is jimin okay?" yoongi asked.

"jimin just suffocated because the flowers and blood were clogging his airways. jimin was discharged around an hour ago... has something happened to him?" dr. song asked.

"ah... i think it's because of me... i told him that his hanahaki didn't only affect him, but it affected me too because it hurts me to see him like that. i tried convincing him to get the surgery but i know he would refuse... i guess that's why he suffocated, probably because what i said bothered him and probably stressed him out..." jeongguk said, scratching his nape.

"oh, that's okay. it happens to a lot of hanahaki patients. he'll be staying here for a few says until his condition is better than before. he's in the same hospital room as before, we've given him more painkillers and medications to help his coughing," dr. song said. the six boys bowed and went to jimin's room.

when they arrived, jimin was asleep. he was attached to his heart monitor and IV drip for the second time today. he had an oxygen mask on as well. taehyung hoped that when jimin saw yoongi, he wouldn't throw up roses.

and taehyung's hopes came true.

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