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Nari's POV

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Nari's POV

I was falling down a hill, it was like a never ending hole. I just kept falling and falling until I heard someone say my name. I turned around and he was standing there, his face was blurry but his soft smile was familiar. He walked closer to me and pecked my forehead. "Goodnight Nari." He smiled, it was his true smile this time. My vision was clear now, I could see everything; his features were jaw dropping, "Goodnight channie." I smiled and reached out for him. But he slowly faded away, faded away from my reach. Come back please.

Sunday passed by quickly it was just me and Jisung eating ice cream while watching movies. The day was over and a new day had started, the day where I got the chance to finally catch up with Hwang Hyunjin.

On my way to school it was quiet as usual but my heart was happy, I could feel it throbbing for some off reason.

It was troublesome but I still made my way to school. "NARI!!" Hyunjin yelled from across the hall as he ran up to me. At this point everyone was staring directly at me. "Hey Jinnie." I teased, watching him roll his eyes. "How about we skip classes today." He smiled. I can't miss my classes though..., "don't worry Nari today's assembly day, we'll be in the gym listening to the teachers blabber all day." He reached out for my hand and dragged me out of the school. "Is thag his new girlfriend it what?" I heard a few people mumble as I passed them holding Hyunjin's hand. "Hey Hyunjin, another girlfriend?" A boy with light hair came walking up to us with his bunny eyes. "No Minho, she's actually a child hood friend." He winked causing the two boys to laugh. "Alright, I'll take cover for you two while you're gone." He smacked the back of Hyunjin's head and hopped away. "Where do you want to go?" He asked as we walked through the cold streets. "Maybe the café?" I asked. "Yeah of course." He gave me another smile and lead me to a near by café.

"I'll go order, you can find us a seat." He let go of my hand and walked off to the cash register. I found us a seat near the window and watched the tv as I waited.

"The masked killer has finally been caught on camera, last night he was caught on video killing a drunk woman around her late 20's. The killer seemed to know that the camera was there, he was wearing a broken kangaroo mask, his eyes were covered as well with black dots. Blood stains splattered across the mask as he waves to the cctv cameras. Please. If you find a man with white or grey hair around the height of 5'7 or 5'8 please contact the police." The reporter ended it there and the tv went back to playing ads. "That's awful." Hyunjin said as he say die. In front of me. "I guess he'll never get bored." I let out another sigh before taking a sip from my drink.

"Anyways, I remember on the day of the party when I first heard your name I thought you were some dumb snob." I laughed causing Hyunjin to choke on his donut. "Hey! I'm no snob!!" He whined hopping up from his seat. "I know you aren't." I signalled him to sit down and laughed along. "You know, if you're ever in trouble make sure to send me a call, or one of my friends we'll come to pick you up from the situation." He placed his drink down and looked at me as if he was about to throw daggers, his sharp eyes were no joke. "Yeah I'll make sure to call you. Thank you." I softly smiled. "No need to thank me, I'm just looking out for you, it's very dangerous these days anyways." He seemed so senseless for a second it almost scared me, but I know he's just looking out for me. "Want to go out for icecream?" Hyunjin stood up and thought about it for a while and quickly nodded, pulling me up from my seat. "It's gonna be a fun Monday." Hyunjin cheered as he ran out of the café.

"Watch watch out for the crack!" I yelled, Hyunjin quickly turned back and stumbled over a crack on the side walk, falling into his butt. "Owe." He groaned. "I told you to watch out." I scolded him. "I'm sorry" he pouted like a small baby as he attempted to get up. "Don't be, lets go get our icecream." I yanked him up from the ground and watched him dust his jeans, before we continued our walk. "As clumsy as always huh?" I watched his ears turn red and he quickly shook his head. "N-no." He stuttered over his words which was adorable.

♢  ♢ ♢ ♢

Hyunjin and I spend the whole day fooling around like there was no tomorrow, it was a fun day. The sun started to set, we were side by side walking over a bridge. "Hey I have to go somewhere real quick but I'll be right back." Hyunjin ran down the bridge and I followed after him, he walked into a small shop and I waited outside for him.

"HELP HELP ME!" A man ran past me screaming with blood rushing down one of his arms. "Ma'am please, please help me." He begged. "Call the police!" He pleaded. "Alright alright." I pulled out my phone ready to dial the number but a masked figure took the phone out of my hands. "Excuse me." I looked up and saw the man that was wearing the same kangaroo mask from the cctv footage that was on the news. Oh my god. I'm face to face with the masked killer. "Please let him go." I grabbed his wrist pulling him back. "I'm sorry but I can't do that." He softly let go of my hand and ran after the man. His eyes met mine and he looked away, it was scary but it seemed familiar. "Give me 3 minutes and you can call the police, ambulance or anyone you please just leave me 3 minutes flat." He said in a deep voice running after the other man. Kangaroo mask was pretty fast, he was gone before I knew it. "I'm back!" Hyunjin smiled with a small bag of cookies.

"I just came across the masked killer." I stood there frozen not able to say anything. "What do you mean Nari!?" Hyunjin placed his hands in both my shoulders shaking me. "Please explain." He begged.

"He talked to me...I pulled him away from the man he was changing but the masked killer pushed me away." I explained to Hyunjin and watched a vein pop from the side of his neck when he started to yell, "ARE YOU OKAY!? DID HE HURT YOU!?" Hyunjin looked around me but couldn't find a cut. "He didn't harm me though, his eyes met mine, I don't think he wanted to hurt me." I still wasn't able to move.

"Nari, you're crazy. This isn't a fairy tail nor is it a cliche love story, you can't fall in love with a serial killer."

"I know but, he didn't want to hurt me."

"You can never tell whose who, everyone's wearing a mask in this world you know...even you Nari"

Hyunjin's words made my heart stop, I was holding something in but my memories held it back from me.

"So are you saying we're all monsters?" I asked.

"You're really an idiot aren't you, let's just go home." He handed me the bag of cookies and held my other hand as we walked back home.

The one in the kangaroo mask.

Who are you really?

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