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Nari's POV

Once I bit the hand that was once covering my mouth I quickly sat on top of the person it belonged to. "Who are you." I held his hands down as I waited for a response. He was wearing a black mask and a beanie covered his face.

"Quiet down, he has cameras everywhere." He whispered in my ear. I continued to put pressure on his hands so he wouldn't do anything. "Remove the beanie." I demanded. "I can't...you see." He looked down at his hands and I nodded. "Alright then." My hands were busy holding his down so I used my mouth to pull his beanie off. "Chan!?" I yelled but only loud enough for the both of us to hear.

"That was kind of hot." He leaned back and watched me panic and get off of his lap. "How did you get in here?" I asked. "I kept calling your name but you walked in so I followed you." He shrugged his shoulders and pulled himself up. "Let's go." He said, grabbing onto my hand as tight as he could. I pulled him closer towards me, I was too afraid to let go. "Nari!" A reflection of Hyunjin popped up, his figure was even worse than the others. Blood streamed down his cheeks, his tears mixed with the fresh wounds on his face. "Nari. Ignore these, they're just videos. They're fake." Chan locked his arms with mine and helped me find a way out of the maze.

"I see a light!" I slowly pulled myself out of Chan's grip and ran towards the exit. "Oh you silly girl, I hopes for you to escape this maze alone." A sudden voice yelled from the speakers. "NARI! YOU BETTER RUN! YOURE MAKING ME MAD!" He growled. "Nari lets go, he's getting dangerous." Chan grabbed my hand and ran towards the exit as I followed. "Ready....and...SHOOT!" The sudden announcement caused both Chan and I to duck. "Hold yourself down he might pull a trick."Chan pulled himself closer towards me, hugging me. "If anything comes, it'll have to come through me first to get to you." He whispered.

The speaker let out a high pitched static sound until the voice bursted our laughing. "You two are pretty entertaining if I say so myself. But Nari's mine. Back off Christopher." He voice cut off and everything went silent. I couldn't hear anything but Chan's loud yet slow breaths. "Are you okay?" I asked as he pulled away from the hug. "I'm not sure, my ankle hurts." He winced pulling his leg in front of him. "Let me see." I pulled his pants up a bit to check and there was blood dripping. "What is this?" I asked trying to clean it with the tip of my sleeve. "Stop you'll get your clothes dirty." He pushed my hand away and I pulled back. "No. I want to help." I quickly ripped a bit of my shirt off and tied it around his ankle. "There, this'll do for the time being." I pulled myself up and walked outside. Chan followed after me, suddenly giving me a back hug. "Thank you." He whispered resting his head on the back of my shoulder. "Since we have some time, let's hang around for a while." I held his hand and took him around the amusement park.

"Let's go to the Farris wheel." I asked. "I didn't expect you to be the romantic type" Chan laughed giving himself in, "Alright Let's go." And after that we took a spot in line waiting for our turn. The Farris wheel was huge, which means I have a lot of time alone with the one and only Bang Chan.

Our turn cane and we sat inside of a big cart, it was like a small room playing slow yet quiet music inside. I tightened my hands into a fist as I sat down in front of him. I looked down for a while until Chan broke the silence. "You were so busy taking care of me you never got the chance to focus on your own wounds." Chan lifted my hand and placed it in his, "look at these marks." He took a piece of cloth from his sweater pocket and cleaned up the fresh blood, once he was done he placed a few bandages to prevent the bleeding.

"If you can't take few of yourself, I won't be able to live in piece." He sighed. I let out a giggle as I ruffled his curly blonde hair. He looked up at me and pulled his face closer to mine, placing a kiss. It was slow at first but the kiss became stronger and more passionate. I pulled away as the two of us were panting at this point, "I saw you kiss Felix." He huffed. "Felix knows things even I don't know, stay away from him please. I think he'll expose things you don't want to know Nari.." Chan cupped my cheeks and squished them waiting for a response. "Alright, he's mad at me anyways so..." I rolled my eyes and turned to the side looking down at the view, I was able to see everything from up here. I found Hyunjin talking to a bunch of people, they were little blobs from up here. I also found Minho wondering around with a few boys. But Felix...he was sitting alone on a bench.

"Once we get off, I have to go talk to Felix." I glanced at Chan hoping he'd have a safe reaction. "I won't kill him. I could kill anyone in this world but Felix...or you." Chan laughed. "Alright Channie, I'll see you when I get home." I pecked his cheek and walked out once the ride stopped.

I walked over to Felix and sat down beside him.

"I'm sorry."

"Go away Nari." He huffed.

"You're all alone Lix, I know you're hurting." I placed my hand on his shoulder and he shrugged it off. "I said LEAVE ME ALONE!" He snapped and turned to me. I noticed there was a fresh wound on his cheek. "Did you get into another fight?" I asked. He didn't say much but slowly nodded as he looked away. "Felix. You need to take care of yourself." I pulled him towards me and wrapped my arms around him. I didn't know what else to do, I couldn't push him away anymore.

"No I'm sorry." His hand held my arm as he berried his face into my chest.

"It's all my fault Nari." He sobbed even louder.

"I should've stayed with you that night. I shouldn't have let you go." Felix's sobs got quieter and quieter as he calmed down. "Let's go back into the bus, you can sleep in my shoulder for the rest of the ride." I smiled pulling him up.

"What happened though? What were you talking about? What do you regret so much Felix?" I asked but he walked away shaking his head repeatedly. "Don't bring it up again I don't want to talk about it." He grabbed my hand and took me into the bus.

I winced at the pain and he pulled my hand up, "did you hurt yourself?" He asked.

"No it's alright. Let's just focus on going back home." I smiled, feeling him cuddle next to me in the seat.

"Goodnight Nari."

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