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𝘓𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥

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𝘓𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥

Nari's POV

I asked Felix to help me untie Jisung, once we did he fell to the ground. "GENTLY YOU IDIOT!" I smacked Felix and watched him nod. Felix picked Jisung up from the ground and I helped Felix carry him over. "Be careful alright." I whispered, taking my jacket off and placing it over Jisung cold body.
"Hurry up we have to get home." I ran in front of Felix and opened the door for the two.

Felix and I rushed back home, hoping Chan was awake by now. I barged into the house helping Felix Lay Jisung down on his bed. "We can't take him to the hospital it'll be too hard to explain to them." I sighed ruffling my hair in stress. "It's okay I took a few first aid lessons as a kid, get me a kit and I'll fix him up." Felix gave me a kind smile and I ran off into the bathroom looking for one.
Minutes had passed and Felix gently wrapped Jisung around with bandages, a few around his arms and one around his neck. He had a really big scar on his neck. What kind of person tortures an innocent human.

Jisung was finally patched up and Felix left me alone with him. "I'll go buy some medications for him." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and left. Chan was busy showering so I didn't bother him. I sat down beside Jisung. "Please wake up." I held his hand hoping for a response. I sat down in the quiet room until I felt his hand suddenly move. "Jisung!?" I stood up waiting for him to move some more. "Oh my god! Jisung! It's me Nari!" I pulled up a small chair and sat down beside his bed. Common Han don't leave me like this. I suddenly stood up from my seat and walked over to the desk pouring a glass of water for myself.

"N-Nari?" A weak voice whispered making me turn back.

It was Jisung.

I watched him flutter his eyes open trying to recognize his surrounding. "OH MY GOD!" I yelled running up to him. The sudden sound made him flinch when I ran up to him. "Don't worry you're safe now, we found you in the storage room." I placed my hand on top of his head and slowly stroked my fingers through his hair. "H-he did horrible things Nari, I've been in there for days." He began to sob loudly and I hugged him tight hoping his sobs would fade away. I've never seen him cry. The last time he cried was when he lost our parents. "We'll find whoever did this okay?" I pulled away from the hug and handed him his blanket, "get some rest." I smiled, walking out.

"What happened? Why is Jisung wrapped in bandages?" Chan walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. "We found him in the storage room of our school...the killer got to him." My voice cracked as I explained everything. I didn't add the kissing part because I knew he'd snap.
"Whose 'we'?" He asked crossing his arms. "Felix and I." I faked an awkward smile as Chan nodded. "Atleast Felix was around, but seriously don't go alone it's too dangerous. You have an odd connection with Felix I'm glad it happened, but you need to be around me if you don't want to get hurt Nari." Chan demanded, he sounded anger. "What are you hiding from me!?" I yelled watching Chan give me a weirded out expression.

"HE KNOWS TOO MUCH NARI!! IF YOU WANT TO STAY THE HAPPY PERSON YOU ARE THEN LEAVE IT BE!" Chan pushed me up against the wall and yelled. It was scary, he didn't show this part of him before.

"I know what?" Felix walked up the stairs to find Chan hovering over me, I watched Chan's expression drop as he looked at Felix, it looked like he fucked up.

"What is it Chan? Cat caught your tongue." Felix raised his eyebrows with a smirk growing on his face.

"You think I'd ruin her life. I'll only tell her if she wants me to. I won't tell her without her consent" Felix swung his head around and walked into Jisung's room. "You're scared of him?" I whispered for only Chan to hear. "No." Chan shook his head and walked off into my room slamming the door shut. What's up with these boys and hiding things from me, can't they just tell me!?

Why was Chan so afraid of Felix being around me.

What did he do?

Or..what did I do?

Someone please tell me who Yongbok is.

I need to know.

"Jisung's feeling alright now." Felix walked out with a smile on his face, "he's safe." He smiled ruffling my hair. "Felix please tell me what Chan doesn't want me to know." I held one of his hands and pleaded. He looked down and gave me a cute laugh. "I'm sorry princess but today's not the day...maybe meet me on the roof at tonight. I could tell you some things." He placed my hands over his lips and kissed them as he walked downstairs.

Who does this heart behind to.

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