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a/n: the suit of the man in red ;) ^^^

God it hurts.

I'm in so much pain, but I can't feel anything else.

Just this awful ache pinned against my chest.

I'm surrounded by darkness until a single light begins to flicker.

I glance toward it as it comes closer.



Too close.

The flame envelopes me and I scream, but no sounds are heard.

I let the warmth swallow me as it burns away my flesh and encases me.

I sit straight up in my bed as my breath hitches in my throat. Tears are running down my face and I clench my hands to my chest, then down my arms, and finally to my legs.

No burns, I'm fine. Just another nightmare. I sigh heavily and run my hands through my hair. I decide to get up and shower, hopefully to shake this hazy feeling that has become all too familiar.

Once the water begins to warm I step inside, only to turn the temperature down and gasp as the cold water splashed against me.

It doesn't take long for me to get out shivering and make my way back to my bedroom. I glanced around for my phone and found it on the floor.

2 missed calls: Stacey
Stacey: where r u??
Stacey: the shift already started, want me to say ur sick again?


I completely forgot I had to work today. I rid myself of the towel and slipped into my black jeans and blue polo.

To Stacey: yea, I forgot. Omw now

The house is quiet as my steps awaken the stairs. I look around at the empty building and sigh before leaving and heading to the golf club.


"You would never believe how pissed Clay was when you weren't here this morning. We had three parties come in right after the other." Stacey sighed, picking up a pencil and flicking it around her fingers.

"Got home late again. It isn't my fault he keeps us here all night just to have us back in eight hours." I rolled my eyes as I looked around for the scrawny man.

Clay was usually very kind, but he didn't take well to slackers, and well, I'm a slacker from birth.

Stacey nodded and began to write in the appointment book, "We have two parties again at 10, then the luncheon shit at 12, and a business group coming in at 1."

Sighing I looked at my watch, 9:45. Fantastic.

We rushed around getting the bags of clubs and baskets of golf balls into the lobby before pulling a few golf carts to the front.

Before I knew it, it was already one o' clock and we had prepped the lounge for the business group.

It was nearly 1:45 before any of the men decided to show up. The first few were old and aging, your stereotypical business men. However, the last group of men to arrive were rather young.

There were four of them. The short one to the left with his hair in a neat brown quiff was wearing a salmon suit. To the right of him was a man that looked exactly like him only he was taller, blonde, and was in a dark grey suit. Twins maybe?

The final two stood out the most. The shorter of the two was dressed in a simple black blazer with a white shirt slightly unbuttoned beneath, and a small gold chain hung from around his neck. Commanding attention in a deep red and black suit, was the man in front of the rest. His long hair fell across his shoulders and his blue eyes pierced straight through me.

"Reservations under Decker." The tall man stated glancing me up and down.

"Of course, the rest of the party is already in the lounge." I smiled politely and he nodded, looking at me once more before leading the group into the other room.

Stacey turn to me with her jaw dropped."Oh. My. God." She whispered yelled, and I laughed at her antics.

"Chill out, they're here on business, Stacey. We work here, it's not a social gathering." She only whined causing me to laugh again.

We closed at three and these men were the last group we had to attend to today. I don't quite understand why they had chosen a golf club for a business meeting, but hey, whatever you fancy.

Stacey and I walked into the lounge and back to the kitchen to get the food trays and waters. Once we had walked back out, I noticed the four younger men on one side of the lounge as the older men laughed and talked loudly about some proposal across the room.

My eyes locked once again with the man in red as I approached them.

"This is what we have prepared for today, if you need anything besides this just let Stacey or myself know." I smiled at them.

"Thank you, miss?" The salmon wearing man asked.

"You can call me Audrey." I answered, placing the glasses in front of them.

"Well, thank you, Audrey. If you wouldn't mind sending Stacey over, I'd LOVE to chat with her a bit." He winked, and I giggled and nodded. I glanced up once more at the man in red and he was already looking at me. I smiled politely and made my way to the bar to get Stacey.

"Wait. He wants to talk to me? Like not ask for a margarita, but just to talk?" I nodded, and that was all the confirmation she needed before strutting off into the lounge.

I stayed in the kitchen and leaned my elbows against the counter to place my face in my hands. My breath began to pick up and I could feel my hands shake.

Oh please, not now.

My eyes welled up as my panic attack continued to rise. I started to breathe heavily as the tears fell and mentally cursed myself. This hasn't happened at work in months, and it wasn't even particularly stressful. So, excuse my french, what the actual fuck is happening.

I clenched my fists into my hair and tried to calm my breathing. I heard the door to the kitchen creak open and my eyes widened toward the counter. Not daring to raise my head, I stayed there trying to calm my breaths.

"Is everything okay?" His deep voice startled me and I kept my gaze on the counter.

"Uh, yea just taking a breather. Been a long day."

He hummed in response," Well, if that's all we would like some more of those pastry things."

"I'll have them right out." I sighed hoping that he had left, to no surprise I heard steps and soon felt his presence beside me.

"It's rude not to look at the person you're speaking to." He mumbled roughly, and my breath hitched as I removed my hands from my hair, quickly wiping my face.

Looking up at him I smiled,"How awful of me, please excuse my behavior sir."

His blue eyes found my green ones and he just stared at my face. I internally cringed at what I probably looked like right now. Tear stained cheeks, bloodshot eyes, and puffy lips. Fuck.

He nodded and I watched as the red suited man left as quickly as he came.

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