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Twenty six. That's how many times I've called Stacey and she hasn't answered once. It's now 6:30 in the evening and she hasn't texted or even tried to reach me.

I didn't even have any texts from her asking about how I was last night. Kason said she was worried about me, and she even texted him yesterday. So why was she ignoring me?

I put my phone down and stared up at my ceiling, trying for the life of me to remember anything that happened after I left Hawley's. I couldn't remember a thing and it was beginning to get frustrating.

My phone vibrated and I raced to pick it up.

Octavia: hey lovey ;)

Is this the same Octavia that Kason was talking about?

Me: hey? I don't want to sound rude, but who are you?

Octavia: you don't remember me? From the bar last night?

Me: no I'm sorry. I actually can't remember anything at all about last night.

Octavia: that's crazy.

Me: yea

Octavia: so this is gonna sound weird but like are you good at singing? Like really good?


Me: no lol to be honest with you I'm awful at it.

Octavia: ok but do you have wings?

I'm lost.

Me: not that I know of?? Are you still drunk lol

Octavia: so you're a human then?

Me: yes haha

Octavia: shit lol I have to go tho so I'll ttyl

Me: um ok? Ttyl

I stared down at my phone in confusion. First Kason's talk with that Lucy person, now this? Are these people on drugs or something? The things that they're saying don't make any sense to me.

I sighed, losing hope of getting anything from Stacey, placed my phone back down and decided to take a bath.

I quickly started the water, added some oils, bubble bath, and a few salts. I was using anything to try and calm myself enough to sleep. Today had been long and confusing.

I dipped into the jacuzzi and turned on the jets, allowing the bubbles to raise and the jets to massage my body.

All I need right now is some music and I could sleep in here. I laughed at the ridiculous idea of sleeping in the tub and pushed myself deeper into the water.

Laying there silently, I relaxed and allowed myself to be swallowed by it. I dunked my head beneath it to get my hair wet, and I heard a loud thud. I shot back up out of the water and ran my hands down my face to get rid of the excess water.

I stepped out of the tub and wrapped myself into a towel before stepping towards the door.

"Where the fuck is she." I heard a gruff voice mumble as it came up the stairs. I held my breath and rushed to the door locking it.

I could hear them getting closer so I put on Kason's clothes as quickly and quietly as I could. I heard as they opened up my bedroom door and began rummaging through it.

"Fuck. Oooh fuck. Oh shit." I breathed looking around for a way out of this. The handle to the bathroom jiggled and my head snapped back to the door.

Demonic Infatuation Where stories live. Discover now