5. Cut off the Downers

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   There are always those people who bring you down. They may be your friends, boyfriends, whoever, but no matter how close they are to you, if they make you feel like shit, just stop talking to them. Chances are, the more you let them make these “jokes“ and comments, the worse they‘ll get. For example, I have been struggling with my thoughts since school started, and just today, i figured out that it was because my ex is...well to be honest an idiot. He tries to guilt trip me into dating him again, he doesn‘t want me to move on, and he‘s been getting angrier because i‘m saying no. But i‘m happier now that he‘s not in my life.

Get rid of the judgers, the haters, the ones who, no matter how hard you try to forgive them, you can‘t. Get rid of the ones who‘ve hurt you enough.

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