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Dear Connor Murphy,
I couldn't have it on my conscious to ignore you. Luckily for you, my anxiety wouldn't let me give you a fake email anyways.
My favorite part of the job was walking the trails to make sure no one got lost. It was like a moment to breathe and it was just really nice. I don't think I'm gonna get another job since I'd only work for a month. As for franchises I love Marvel. Wolverine was my favorite as a little kid.
Now here's my questions.
1. What's your favorite franchise?
2. Favorite villain of all time?
3. Favorite movie?

Dear Evan Hansen,
Thanks for the reassurance.
You stole my question? Now that's evil
Hey look, we have something in common! Oh my god I love marvel so much, and my favorite character was (and still is) Spider-Man (despite used to being scared of spiders). If I could have any super powers, I'd pray to get bitten by a radioactive spider
Doofenshirtz because he literally made inventions for stuff that bothered him, but would occasionally make one to take over the tristate area (and let's be real here. He could've gone for the world but he didn't).
Into The Spider-Verse blew my mind and I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. Granted Peter isn't the main character, but I still adored Miles
For you
1.whats YOUR favorite movie
2.favorite color? I bet it's blue
3.favorite tree

Dear Connor Murphy,
When are you ungrounded? Say it's dumb, but I'd like to see you again.
I supposed it's fine if we ask the same question. It's easier that way, I suppose.
Ugh, do I have to choose? I'd say Beauty and The Beast, 90's version. I'm a sucker for romance. I have to agree with your Spider-Verse opinion, though. As a kid who grew up reading Marvel comics it was incredibly cool seeing that implemented onto the big screen.
Sorry to disappoint, but my favorite color is actually a light pink.
My favorite tree is the Angel Oak. It's so beautiful...
1. What're your favorite desert?
2. Preferred music genre
3. Hobbie

Dear Evan,
I'm changing the format a little so it's less to type. Cool? Cool
I actually just got ungrounded today, but I don't have a new car yet
I love drawing and reading. I've read a ton of classic books and I usually sketch random crap I find on the internet
Pop music is overrated and I like 80's/90's/2001-2010's music. They're all classics
Um ice cream, duh. Actually me and my family used to go to this little ice cream shop A La Mode before things went to shit. I'm pretty sure it's still open though, I've gone by it before and saw people going inside it. You wanna go there some time? (I'm getting a new car soon so I can drive us there)
1.favorite type of ice cream?
2.social media or nah?
3.what makes you happy

Dear Connor,
I've got it! It's ok.
I'm glad you're ungrounded now. Have you been out doing stuff?
My favorite type of ice cream is strawberry, and before you start judging me, it's a classic! I think it's safe to agree on that.
I don't really use social media. I mean, I have it... I just don't use it. (I've got Facebook, Instagram, and SnapChat)
Ugh hard question. Having alone time makes me pretty happy I guess. It's just relaxing for me. I like just laying down in my bed and chilling. But if I had to choose something else it'd be baking. I actually stress bake whatever's available in the kitchen. Baking is easy to do and really helps me out.
Are you sure about that? Because I don't really have a lot of money. How much is their stuff? I'm sure I'll have enough...
1. Same to you (about the ice cream)
2. What've you been doing this summer?
3. Best thing in your life?

Dear Evan,
Chocolate chip is my go to flavor all the way, though you speak the truth. Strawberry is indeed, a classic
Honestly I've just been drawing, reading, and staying at home. I don't really have a reason to go out
Ok this is gonna sound so cheesy, but I swear I'm being real here. It's these letters. I lost a friend right at the end of the school year and my family hates me. You're the only one who actually tolerated me and treats me like I'm normal (well, through email, but that's besides the point)
Evan, of course I'm being serious. The stuff there is cheap and I can cover tax if you want. I've been itching to get out of my house for a while but there's been no reason to lately
1.will you go to A La Mode with me
2.is it hard typing with a cast on
3.name a hobbie

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