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|Connor|- hey Evan, we need to talk

In retrospect, maybe those weren't the best choice of words to say to someone with crippling social anxiety.

Connor watched the rising and falling dots on the left side of the conversation. He bit his lip, knowing that Evan was probably freaking out about it.

|Connor|- it's not bad, I promise

|Evan|- Okay.

|Evan|- What is it?

He sighed in relief. Those messages took significantly less time than the others, so Evan must've calmed down a little. Even if it didn't do much, it still did something.

|Connor|- can I go over to your house?

|Evan|- I thought you didn't want to hang out with me...

Damn it. See, this was what Connor felt guilty about. He had a feeling Evan would doubt himself, but he'd never intended for it to happen. He had to fix things.

|Connor|- look, I'll explain everything if you let me go over


|Evan|- Okay just... stay safe. It's supposed to storm.

|Evan|- Here's my address. '302 Oakland Ave'

Connor shut off his phone and let out a sigh. He didn't know how long he'd stay there, so he packed up a bag just in case. He didn't bother texting his parents to tell them where he was going because he figured they wouldn't care. They'd probably just assume he was out doing drugs or something, which he didn't do a lot of to begin with, shows how much they really know their son. But the thought of worrying Zoe made him feel guilty, so he quickly sent her a message.

|Connor|- going out to meet a friend. If I'm not back tonight I'm spending the night.

|Zoe|- wait, who's this friend? Evan?

|Connor|- yup

|Zoe|- don't worry, I'll put a good word in on him for you. He goes to my jazz band concerts. He's really sweet

|Connor|- thanks

Connor then put the address into Google Maps, and made his way towards Evan's house. He was only slightly worried Evan sent the wrong address to make him leave him alone, but he tried to reason that Evan wouldn't do that, because he was 'too nice' to.

But all of that worry vanished when he saw Evan Hansen sitting outside his supposed house, whom looked up from his lap when he heard Connor's footsteps.

"I... I didn't think you'd actually c-come..." he admitted, watching Connor approach him.

Connor sat down on the same step beside him. "Well I'm here. I came," he offered a smile.

The two were silent for a moment, before Evan spoke up, "What'd you, what'd you need to talk to me a-about?"

Connor didn't answer right away, as he gazed at Evan. The latter was skinny, he noted, but he didn't look healthy. Evan's face looked strained and he was pale, and he was almost... too skinny. He'd clearly lost a lot of weight from the last time they'd hung out (Connor remembered that he was a balance of skinny but chubby, back then).

So, instead of being a normal human being who discusses his mistakes, he impulsively said, "I'm hungry. Let's buy a pizza."

Evan furrowed his brow, upset at the dodged topic. "What? Connor-"

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