New Room or New Cell?

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(Reader's P.O.V.)

    I got so bored that the only escape I could think of was sleep. I didn't dream of that place again but I did have a strange nightmare. Both Infinite and Joker were in it. They were both facing me with a hand outstretched, asking me to take it. Joker called out to me and said, "Run away with me! We can escape this reality and create our own." But Infinite shouted and said, "Don't go with him! He's not real! Stay with me!" The two kept yelling for me to take their hand. One starting to get louder than the other. Eventually, it becomes too much and I suddenly jolt awake in an unfamiliar place. The room is gray like all the other rooms in this place but, the sheets I'm laying on are (F/C). Did Infinite bring me here? Is this another test? I continue to observe my surroundings. On the bed are several plushies and on the wall I see my broken (F/W) Wispon mounted on a frame. On the bedside table I see a plate of food and a small note. 'You may be a little confused but I had decided to give you a better place to sleep. You may consider this your new cell or you can consider this your new home. I want you to at least feel more comfortable here. I meant to wake you and bring you here but, you seemed to be sleeping and I didn't wish to be rude. As you can probably see I left you some food. I hope it is to your liking. I will see you soon jewel.' Again calling me jewel. Why? At least the food is something other than meatloaf.

(Infinite's? P.O.V.)

    The jewel looked so lovely sleeping. Sadly it seemed her dreams were unpleasant. I blame Zero for frightening her. "Let me out!" "And let you frighten her again? No. I'm not going to let you stand in the way of my plans. I will make the jewel mine and you won't be going anywhere near her. Well, I suppose you'll be near her anyway but your mind won't be." I laugh. I find it funny when he tries to resist me. It's been like this since the beginning when that fool thought he could control me by giving me a vessel. He thinks he can control me, Zero thought so too, but they can't control something that is beyond them. Zero's small acts of resistance in trying to regain control are futile. He only gets control if I let him. Otherwise, I'm the one in control here. He wants to destroy the jewel, I want to protect her. Shelter her in a world of never-ending dreams. My plans are already in effect. He can't stop me. No one can.

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