Metropolis Battle

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(Reader's P.O.V.)

After getting Infinite's sword back, we began preparing ourselves to fight the Phantom Ruby. All I know is that this fight is going to be nothing like my fight with Infinite. "You ready to go? We don't have a lot of time. Your precious resistance is about ready to march on Eggman's door." "I'm good to go. My (F/W) wispon is fully charged." "Alright. Before we go, there's one last thing I need to do." He grabs his mask off the coffee table and walks out of the room with it. I hear the sound of the incinerator being put on full blast and when Infinite re-enters the room he no longer has his mask. Instead, he's wearing a red bandanna to cover his face. "Alright let's go." Somehow he seems different. Like a weight he was carrying was lifted somewhat. We exit the safehouse and make our way to the battlefield that was once Metropolis City. Carefully, using a new zip wire, I pull us up to the rooftops. "Remember the plan, you meet up with blue boy and distract the Phantom Ruby. I'll deal the blow." I nod and we both split up. I look to my left to make sure he's alright before going on my way. He's surprisingly more agile than I thought. Zipping from rooftop to rooftop, I finally see Sonic in my view. It seems Tails is with him. Wait... What's the Phantom Ruby doing? What's that portal? Sonic is being sucked in! I've gotta do something! I launch my zip wire onto a far building and swig over to Sonic, grabbing his hand. "Buddy! Don't! You'll get sucked in too." Just as he said that my wire snaps and we both get pulled in.

(Infinite's P.O.V.)

I watched from a distance as (Y/N) and blue boy get sucked up into the portal Phantom Infinite cooked up. It closes. She... She's gone... I drop to my knees and slam my fist into the ground. I failed... I failed again. Why? Why is it when I grow to care about someone... they get ripped away from me? I try to control my breathing as I hold back a scream. The last thing I need is to let my enemy know I'm here. I hear the sound of my radio fizz. I forgot I had this thing. I gave her the other end in case something went wrong with the plan. Through the static, I faintly hear a voice. It sounds like that hedgehog's. I can't hear what's being said but the fact I'm hearing voices through the radio means she's still alive and she'll make it back. Either that or I'm finally losing it. If it's the latter then I might start having visions again. I hear more static and the radio fizzes off. I shut my eyes. It must've been my imagination. Then I hear the radio switch on again. "Oi, you doing okay Infinite? Sorry, I didn't call right away I had to wait until Sonic left. If anyone in the resistance knew I was talking to you, they might think I'm a traitor." I sigh in relief hearing her voice on the other end and I notice the tears I had steaming down. I guess I was crying without realizing again. I wipe them away before answering the radio. "Don't scare me like that again, understood? I thought you were gone for good there." "Sorry... It's just the hero in me said I needed to save Sonic. I'm sure as a former villain you understand plenty about heroes and their need to save people." I hear her laugh lightly as she speaks. I'm glad she seems to bounce back from the bad with a positive attitude. "We'll need to think of a new plan. I told you he planned on pulling out stops. I didn't even know he could do that. Let's meet back at the safe house in a couple hours. I'll give you some time to say 'hi' to all your resistance buddies."

(Reader's P.O.V.)

I hear the radio shut off on his end so I shut it off on my end as well. "You coming, buddy?" I nod and follow behind him. We return to the resistance base, a place I haven't seen in a long while. "I'm glad you're okay (Y/N). When I heard Infinite captured you I was about ready to go rescue you like how you rescued me from Eggman. But Knuckles and everyone else, they stopped me. Said that I was needed here. How did you manage to escape?" I stay silent for a moment wondering if I should tell him the truth. Would he even understand? I mean I know we're friends but... We're not exactly close. Well... not close enough to tell secrets. "I was just lucky I guess. How have you been without me?" "It was rough. You missed my fight with Metal Sonic, it was epic. Still, I'm glad to have you back. Don't go wandering off on your own like that, okay? If you need help, don't be afraid to holler for me. I'll be there in a supersonic second." I nod and we both enter the briefing room. Commander Knuckles tells us the plan for storming Eggman's fortress but my mind wanders to Infinite. He must've been worried when I disappeared like that. He might've not sounded like it but from the time I've spent knowing him, I know he likes to mask his emotions with an air of indifference. Knuckles finishes his speech and I realize that I missed the whole thing. The only thing I got is that the battle is going to be in a few hours. I head to my room and face plant onto my bunk. It's been a while since I've seen this bed. Surprisingly I miss the bed in the safe house, the one I just face-planted into feels like a rock. Once I'm sure I'm alone I turn on the radio. "Infinite, can you hear me?" "When we're on the radio I think you should use a code name for me." "Well... I'd like to call you by your real name but, you told me not to." "Well... Since I've killed off the old me once again, I suppose I need a new name to start over. From this day forward, call me Zero."

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