A Traitor?

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(Sonic's P.O.V.)

    I was worried about (Y/N). She seemed out of it during our meeting. I don't think she's feeling well. In fact, I'm sure she's not feeling well. Who would be after going through all that? I think I'm going to go check up on her. As I approach the door to her room I hear talking on the other side. "Okay so, don't get mad but, the resistance is planning another attack in a few hours. Literally at the crack of dawn." Who is she talking to? As if to answer my silent question I hear his voice over a radio. "And why would I be mad about it? You heard their plan right?" Is that who I think it is? No. (Y/N) wouldn't betray us like that would she? I walk away from the door too afraid to listen to the rest. Now that I think about it she was behaving a little strange. Did Infinite threaten her? Maybe he threatened her and that's why she's telling him things. That must be why! She'd never betray us like that of her own free will, right? I wait a moment until I hear the voices stop. I think I'll go in and see her now. I hesitate before walking up to her door again. I stop when I hear it open and she walks out. Where is she going? I tail after her. Please let me be wrong... Please don't be working for the enemy... She walks all the way to town. I hide behind some rubble and I see Infinite approach her from behind. I'm too far away to hear what they're talking about but from the way she seems to be speaking to him, my hunch might actually be right. She's being forced to work for him.  She walks away, but not back to base. Where is she going now? I follow after her, making sure she doesn't see me. She heads to Green Hill and walks up to a wall. She knocks on a specific part of the wall and yells out, "Zero open the door! It's too dark to see the switch!" She sighs and bangs on the wall again. "INFINITE OPEN THE DOOR!" Infinite?! Then that means... No no no no no! Please tell me it's not true (Y/N)! You aren't really working with him, are you?! I watch as the door opens and a jackal I've never seen before walks out. "FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS UNHOLY! WHY MUST YOU WAKE ME AT AN UNGODLY HOUR?!" The jackal groans and runs his claws through his hair. Is that really Infinite? His blue and yellow eye looks in my direction. "Hey (Y/N), you're not very good at keeping secrets are you?" "Hmm? What do you mean?" A knife gets thrown my way and I move out of my hiding spot. Poor (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes widen in shock. "S-Sonic?" "(Y/N)... Please tell me it isn't true... Please tell me you're not working for Infinite."

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