The Reactor

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(Reader's P.O.V.)

As Sonic and I ran through the reactor tower our radio was going off. Different voices having different opinions on Infinite and what he was. "This must be where Infinite was created," I heard Tails say. Soon after Amy follows up with, "What a cruel place to be brought into the world." The radio buzzes again but this time it's the one Zero gave me. "Foolish resistance... They don't know a thing. I wasn't born here, this is the place where the old me went to die. It seems Eggman and the Phantom ruby didn't do a good job of keeping me that way." He laughs bitterly. I hate hearing him talk like that... It's sad. "Zero, please don't talk like that. I don't believe the old you ever disappeared. Maybe you forgot about him or tried to but he was still there. Waiting for you to come back to your senses. That part of you never left." "I was only saying how I felt. Sorry for upsetting you, (Y/N). Right now, let's focus on the task at hand. The reactor should be a few feet below you. If you destroy the power tubes Phantom Infinite's going to have a harder time re-gathering his strength. I'm going to keep those clones he cooked up busy while you two deal with that. Oh, and Sonic, don't go trying to steal my girl while I'm busy up here." He gives a laugh and next to me Sonic growls. "More like you stole her from me," He mutters. I probably wasn't meant to hear that but I did. I'll have to talk about that later. We make our way down to the power tubes and immediately Sonic goes to spindash them. I grab his arm before he can do that however. "Hold on a second Sonic. Something doesn't smell right." I grab a piece of rubble off the ground and chuck it at one of the tubes. An electric barrier fries it to a crisp. "Woah. That was almost me. Nice save buddy." Sonic gives a thumbs up. "So, spindash is a no go. What's the plan, (Y/N)?" "I think if I use my (F/W) wispon, we can break the tubes without touching them." I ready my wispon, aiming at one of the tubes. The tube shatters and another defense is activated, lasers. "Watch your step. We're going to have to dodge those as I break the rest of these." He nods and a little dance routine begins to form between us and the lasers. Jump, duck, shoot, repeat. This little dance continues until I've busted the last tube. Suddenly Sonic sweeps me off my feet. "Sorry, but if we don't get out of here asap we're going to go up with the rest of this place. Your 'boyfriend' can chew me out for it later." He scowled a bit when he said boyfriend. Carrying me in his arms, he charged out of there with supersonic speed. Once we've made it out of the tunnel, he sets me down and meets up with Tails. I take a step back only to run into something or more specifically someone. He turns me around to face him. "We... We did it... It's finally over. I... I can't thank you enough. I thought I was going to be lost forever, trapped by that gemstone I once considered a friend. What a foolish thought that was. I think you were right about before. I think the old me was waiting for someone, someone like you, to come along and remind me who I used to be. Honestly, I'm glad to have met you. Even if the circumstances weren't exactly pleasant. What I'm trying to say is-" I place a finger to his bandanna-covered muzzle and replace it with my lips. Though technically I'm kissing the bandanna, I think my actions speak for themselves. I pull away and he laughs a bit. "I guess being sappy is a bit new for me." Just then, as we all were about to celebrate our victory, Eggman shows up. "Gotcha! The fortress reactor was just a decoy. A true winner always keeps his trump card hidden until the end."

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