Night Talk

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(Reader's P.O.V.)

I still can't believe Sonic agreed to this plan. Our current plan was for Sonic to play the fool and pretend the Phantom Ruby was really Infinite and challenge him to a fight. They would fight one on one and I would show up to help him. While he's distracted fighting us, Zero would swoop in from behind and shatter him with his sword. In case something went wrong, Sonic was told to keep me safe. "So, everyone knows the plan? (Y/N), you were paying attention this time right?" I nod, "Don't worry Zero, I know the plan. I'm just surprised that Sonic agreed so quickly" Sonic laughs beside me on the couch. "Why not? I'm all for saving the world and if Infinite's after the same thing why wouldn't I agree." He gives me one of his signature smiles. "Alright you two, get some shut-eye while you can. We only got maybe four hours until the fight. Sonic, you can use one of the rooms here as long as it isn't mine." "Which one's yours? " "I'll give you a hint, red sheets." "Okay, I got it. You coming, buddy?" I shake my head, "I'm going to stay up a little longer. I might not be able to sleep anyway. Go on without me." He nods and leaves the room. I feel the couch cushion sink beside me. "There's no need to stay up with me, I'll be fine..." He leans on me putting his head on my shoulder. "Yeah but, if I don't stay with you I know you won't get any sleep. I still remember what happened the last time you didn't get any sleep. You were this close to defeating me before you crashed. If you had a good night's rest you would've beaten me no problem." "But, then we never would've met. I wouldn't be here with you right now sitting on this couch having this conversation." "Wouldn't it have been better that way? Having never met me at all?" I pull away from him and turn to face him. I'm mad he would even think such an idea. "Why would you ever say something like that?!" he sighs, "Because it's true. I know why the Phantom Ruby wants to make me your enemy. It's not because of our current predicament. It's because he knows you forgot. Forgot who I was... Who I am. I am Infinite. The terrorizer of many rebels. A killer. A monster. He was only trying to remind you who I really am. I am a monster." I punch his arm, hard. "What was that for?" "Let me remind you who I am then. I am the one who got away. The rebel who stood against you and lived to tell about it. But, I'm also your ally. Your friend. Someone you can rely on. Someone you can trust. If you throw that away... I..." I stop short, tears starting to flow. I just realized the ruby may have been right about my feelings. I've fallen for Infinite. I don't know when it happened but I've fallen for him and it hurts. No pain in the world could compare to how my heart feels right now.

(Infinite's P.O.V.)

My heart stung when I heard her call me her friend. But the pain worsened when I saw her start crying. "I'm sorry... I guess I got so caught up in my past I failed to see how it would make you feel. Please don't cry for someone like me. I'm not worth it. You deserve better friends than me." "That's not the point! Infinite I... I..." She cuts herself short again choking out a sob. She takes a deep breath and tries to calm herself before speaking again. But this time her voice is barely above a whisper. "I fell in love with you..." My eyes widen and I hardly believe what I just heard. She looks at me with sweet (E/C) eyes waiting for my answer. The problem is I have no idea what to say. My heart feels like it's racing and I'm worried I'm about to have a panic attack. Eventually due to my lack of response she sighs, "I'm sorry... I guess I was a little too forward with that... You don't need to answer me... I..." "I feel the same..." I hardly believe the words that slipped past my lips but the minute I spoke them everything clicked together and I finally understood something. The Phantom Ruby took away my ability to feel and (Y/N) brought it back. I feel the heat rush to my cheeks as she blushes. She looks like an angel. "So, what now?" She looks down fiddling with her fingers avoiding my gaze. "Now, you're going to get some sleep. Do you mind if I ask you a favor though?" "Ummm... Go ahead..." "You mind if I borrow your lap for a pillow?"

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