Chapter 4

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I leaned my head back on Dan's chest, not ready to deal with Phil. I heard his footsteps as he walked down the hall. "Hey, Meg," I looked up to see that Phil was kneeling in front of the couch. I buried my head back into Dan's chest. I felt Phil's hand on my side. 

"I'm sorry. I wasn't ever paying attention to those. I didn't think about it," I heard Phil say. I sat up. "I should just not pay attention. Don't worry about it," I said, getting up and quickly walking to my room. I shut and locked my door. I collapsed face first onto my bed. 

End it.

My thoughts were jumbled. I sat up, tears streaming down my face. I ran my hands through my hair. I couldn't think about one particular thing.

They hate you.

Thoughts were just crowding my mind. It seems like I shouldn't be reacting like this to a few fan girls who think they are madly in love with Dan, but I am.

You have no friends at uni.

I dread going back tomorrow. My mind kept going back to one thought.

End it.

I nodded to myself, thinking that it was the best option. I walked to my bathroom, opening the cupboard and grabbing a bottle of aspirin, hoping that maybe I could take enough to do the job. I grabbed the glass that sat beside the sink. I also grabbed my razor blade from the cupboard. I lied all of the things down on the side of the sink. I filled the glass with water and sat it back down. I took the razor into my hand and cut at my wrist, not caring how deep I cut. After I cut a sufficient amount of times, I put the razor on the side of the sink, not caring to wash it off. I held my wrist over the sink and watched the blood drip from my wrist onto the white porcelain, staining it red.

 I grabbed the bottle of pills, opening it and emptying the contents into the palm of my hand. I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I quickly dropped some of the pills into my mouth, throwing the rest in the trash can, and grabbed the glass of water. I spilled some of the water as I drank it. I somehow got all the pills down. I heard a knock on my door again and I sighed, not caring anymore. I walked out of the bathroom and into my bedroom, going to the door and unlocking it. I opened it to be greeted by Dan and Phil. Dan instantly spotted my arm. Then, he spotted the empty pill bottle in my other hand. Phil stared in horror. Dan grabbed the bottle out of my hand, looking at the label. 

"Oh my god, Megan," He mumbled. Phil was still standing there in shock. "Phil, call an ambulance," Dan said, taking my arm and leading me to the bathroom, where he found the blood stained razor and sink. He sighed and grabbed a wash rag, putting water on it. He started cleaning the blood off my cuts. Dan seemed pretty calm. That was only because I was calm. Really, Dan was a mess. Tears were running down his face as he tried to clean my cuts just to find out that I've cut too deep. 

While Dan was freaking out, I was calm. I was seeing white spots by now and dizziness was already overtaking me. I saw Dan as calm. When Phil rushed in the room, I saw him as calm as well. They were the opposite of what I saw. My vision started becoming darker and darker by the second as I struggled to keep my eyes open. I didn't know what was happening anymore. "Keep your eyes open, Meg. They'll be here soon," Phil said, sobbing. I didn't hear him say it like that though. I heard him say it like his happy normal self and it kind of weirded me out. Things now seemed like they were moving faster than normal. A new thing every second. 

1st second: Just me, Dan, and Phil.

2nd second: Paramedics came into the room.

3rd second: I was being rushed out of the building.

4th second: I was in an ambulance.

5th second: I saw nothing more... 

[Edit from 2017: OKAY, IT'S CHAPTER FOUR. WHY DID MY ANGSTY SELF MAKE THIS HAPPEN BY CHAPTER FOUR? Also, the little sweetheart had no clue what she was doing when she wrote that Megan took ALL of the pills from that bottle at once. Maybe if you're really trying for that, but like I highly doubt it. I LOVE GROWING UP AND LEARNING ABOUT Y'KNOW... HEALTH? ANATOMY? LIFE?]

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