Chapter 11

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I can assure you, I feel the same way about you. There's a problem with that though. You see, I have feelings for both you and someone else. That someone I have dated before and didn't tell you nor Phil. We broke it off because we didn't want to have to keep it a secret from you guys and we didn't want you or Phil to get mad at us, but I think he wants to get back together. I'm sorry... -Megan P.S. You're welcome for the compliment.

I sighed as I stopped in front of Dan's door. I slowly slid the note back under his door, knowing that he was in there. I heard his bed move as he got up and I quickly went back to my room. I shut the door behind me and locked it. Not long afterwards, I heard his door open and his footsteps coming down the hall, towards my room. There was a knock on the door and my thoughts of not letting him in suddenly went away. I sighed and turned, unlocking the door and opening it. Dan stood there with the note in his hand. "Who?" Dan asked. 

"Oh, um," It was silent for a few seconds. Dan quickly leaned forward and connected our lips. I was surprised at first, but then kissed back. He pulled away, "Who?" My hand rested on his chest. "PJ..." I muttered. Dan nodded and looked away. "I'm having a love triangle like twilight..." I mumbled and he laughed. 

**I didn't know what to do for this chapter. Sorry that it's so short.**

Save Me From Myself » Daniel Howell AUWhere stories live. Discover now