Chapter 8

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I knew it wasn't just a small one time thing, but I had to say something to convince them that it was okay. Obviously that didn't work because I blacked out again. This time for longer, making Phil worry and want to take me to see a doctor. I knew it wouldn't end well, but I didn't want him to worry. 

"Thank you, Phil, for making me come here. I really want to be put in a mental ward," I stated after the doctor left the room. I paced across the room. I saw Phil pouting like a ten year old, lip stuck outward. I shook my head, "That's it. I'm gonna be put in a mental ward for the rest of my life." I stopped in front of Phil. He only opened his arms up for a hug. I hesitantly walked into his open arms, hugging him. His arms wrapped tightly around me. 

"I should have told you sooner. Then, you could have helped me and we wouldn't be this situation," I mumbled. "It'll be okay. It won't be too long," Phil tried to reassure me, but I really knew that he was scared too. He didn't know how long I would have to be in there or even if it would all be okay. We'll just have to figure out, I guess.

We were sure now that I would be staying in the mental ward for a few weeks. Some people think 'a few weeks' as different times though. It could be two weeks or twenty. I sighed as I packed things into the small bag that I was taking. I was gonna miss these guys. I finished packing and I walked out of my room. I went to Dan's room and saw that the door was open. He was at his desk, writing in that black journal that I found before. I knocked on the door lightly, showing him that I was there. He closed the book and turned in his chair to look at me. 

"Uh, hey," I said, awkwardly, playing with my sleeves. "Hey," He replied, standing up and walking over. "God, I should have told you guys earlier," Dan nodded. Dan stood in front of me, towering a few inches taller. I sighed and walked forward, closing the gap between us by hugging him. "I'm gonna miss you, Daniel."

Save Me From Myself » Daniel Howell AUWhere stories live. Discover now