Chapter 15

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It had been a week. I still hadn't been able to pick. "Here just..." Arianna grabbed one of my hats and a notebook. She grabbed a pen from my desk and opened the notebook. She ripped 2 pieces of paper from the notebook after writing on them. She put the notebook and pen back. She started folding up the pieces of paper and placing them in the bottom of the hat. "Pick one," She held out the hat to me. I reached out and moved my hand around the hat, feeling both and trying to pick one. I finally stopped on one and closed my hand on it. I pulled it out and handed it to Arianna. Just as she opened the slip of paper, a sharp pain spread across my side. I had been getting those all day, but this one was the worst. I doubled over, letting out a small scream and closing my eyes tightly. 

"Megan? Are you okay?" Arianna questioned. I shook my head and opened my eyes, tears threatening to spill. I heard Arianna call for Dan- as Phil was not home. Dan came rushing in, obviously hearing the panic in Arianna's voice. Dan put a hand on my back, "What happened?" Arianna was looking at me scared. "We were just- Uh- I was in the bathroom and I heard her scream..." Arianna lied. Dan sighed, "Can you walk?" I nodded and tried to stand up, doubling over again when I got another sharp pain in my side. Dan sighed with frustration, "Here." He leant down and picked me up. I buried my head in his shoulder, trying to block out the pain. I felt him begin to walk. Again, a sharp pain spread through my side and I took a handful of Dan's shirt, clutching onto it tightly. I heard talking, but I was in too much pain to actually listen to what they were saying. 

**Okay, so my next 2 or 3 chapters may have different point of views. I will tell you the whose POV it is. Just a little warning! Thanks for reading :)**

[Edit from 2017: Whyyyyyyyyy? So much crrrrringe.]

Save Me From Myself » Daniel Howell AUWhere stories live. Discover now