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Call ended

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Call ended.

What was up with the suspense? Is this some sort of a book or movie? He didn't have to just end the call.

What a jerk.

Also, he's going to tell me everything? That's scary.
Am I really ready to know?
Yes, of course I am.
It's just... I don't want... bad news.

I'm stressed.

Why can't I just go back to watching Netflix till I fall asleep? Those were the days...

I was wearing very simple clothes and no make up, and I decided to go like that. Just cause I felt like it.
I put my hair up in a ponytail, grab my phone and run out of the door.

It was raining and I was already getting drenched. I had planned on taking a cab since I do not enjoy walking.

I do not.

But there was a lot of traffic due to the rain and it would take too long to wait for a cab, so I decide to walk it out.

It was only a 2 minute walk and by the end of it, I was a wet mess.

That's what she said.

Focus, Camilla.

I walk into Starbucks, dripping and someone gives me a hug.


"Hi, I missed you."

"Hi, Jimin." I look at the boy who was now half wet himself from hugging me.

"Let's go and sit down." We both make our way to a table.

"I've already ordered two iced coffees. Do you want anything else?" Jimin asks me.

"No, thanks though."

We stare at each other for a few seconds before he checks his phone quickly.

"When did we become so awkward?" Jimin says with a slight smile.

"Ever since we fought." I say bluntly and casually.

"Well, Yeah."

"I still stand by what I said earlier." I look him in the eyes.

"What do you mean?" He says, raising his eyebrows.

"I don't think I did anything wrong. We weren't labelled. You thought we were together? You could've perhaps mentioned that at least once."

"You really want to continue that fight?"

"You said a lot of mean things."

"I know. I'm sorry for that. I got a little attached."

I look at him for a few seconds, not knowing what to say.

"But that's not what I'm here to talk about." Jimin starts to say as the waiter brings our iced coffees.

"Yeah, so who wrote the note?" I start sipping the bitter coffee.

"The answer isn't that simple."

"What do you mean? I think it's time you guys tell me."

"What I mean... is difficult to understand. But you're right. It is time for us to tell you."

"Go on." I say.

"No one else is ready to blurt out the truth. But I feel this 'note' has gone too far. That's why I'm here. I want you to know the truth."

"Okay. Tell me." I say, waiting for an answer.

"So you know how Yoongi is schizophrenic."

"Yes... but how do you know?!" I ask, shocked.

"That's not the important part..." Jimin says.


"The thing is..." He starts but pauses, looking around as if he was about to reveal the world's most important secret.

"What?" I say getting impatient.

"Yoongi is not schizophrenic."



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