Chapter 7

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"Hey em, it's okay." I said to a sobbing Emily

"No bella, it's not. He cheated on me!" Emily said and threw her head on my shoulder and cried

I consoled her for a while until she calmed down.

"Look, forget about nikki. We are gonna eat ice cream and watch movies with hot guys in them. Dont you think that will make you feel better?" I said

"Well...Ice cream does sound pretty good right now." Emily said as she wiped tears off her face.

"That's my girl" I said and smiled at her.

We watched movies and ate ice cream all night. Poor Emily. Nikki was a cool guy but it seemed like he was really bad at relationships.

I woke up In a dark bedroom with the tv still on and a sleeping Emily on the bed next to me. I slowly got up and gathered my things. I walked up and kneeled down next to her and poked her arm. She only replied with a groan.

"I've gotta get going" I said

She opened her eyed and looked at me for a minute then put her arms out to hug me while she was still laying down.

"Thank you" she said after our hug

I kissed her on the cheek and stood back up. She closed her eyes and went back to sleep again. I walked slowly out of her room as not to wake her and kept my way out of her apartment.

I got in my car and began the car ride home which was about 15 minutes. After meeting Emily a week ago, we had already gotten really close. I arrived back at my house. The sun was only starting to rise so it was still pretty dark. I unlocked my door and was greeted by my kitty Ziggy Stardust. I petted her and scooped her up as I headed for my bed. I layed down and cuddled with her until i fell asleep.

I was woken up by the sound of the phone ringing. I sat up and squinted my eyes and did not want to get up. The phone continued to ring and I figured I should probably answer it. I got up and walked out of my room and into the living room where the phone was.

"Hello?" I said groggily

"Were you sleeping? Bella it's like 2 in the afternoon. Your like a teenager." Mick said. As soon as I heard his voice a smile appeared on my face.

"Ugh I know I know. I was up all night with Emily though." I said

"Oh ya I heard nikki cheated on her. I feel bad for any girl who gets caught in nikkis trap." He said

"Me too. So what up baby?" I said

"Well, last night I was thinking about you and I realized, we've never really been on a real date." He said

"Huh, your right. I've been missing you. A whole week without you is too much to handle" I said playfully.

"Well how about we fix that. You dont work tonight do you?" He asked

"Nope." I said

"Well good. Do you have any ideas?"

"Actually yes. There's this movie coming out called weird science. I want to go see it with you. Then afterward I want to take you to one of special places." I said

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