Chapter 11

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The next thing I know, I hear a big thud, my entire body fills with adrenaline, and I hear myself scream


I looked down and saw him there laying in pain on the sand. My eyes immediately filled with tears, I couldnt stand seeing someone who I loved so much be in pain. Fuck! What if he is seriously hurt?! Why did this have to happen to him? Everyone got off the rock and I was the first off. I ran over to where he was laying and went and sat down on my knees. He was awake but he had his eyes closed and his face wrinkled in pain.

"Mick? Baby? Are you ok?" I said with my voice trembling as I tried to hold back my tears.

His eyes slowly opened and our gaze locked. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. Doc and everyone else came over and they looked panicked. He had to go on tour soon for theatre of pain, and if he hurt his back, that could really fuck things up. Doc came over and knelt down beside me and mick.

"Shit mick! Are you alright? Do you think you need to go to the hospital?" Doc asked

"Umm... I dont think I have to go to the hospital." He said as he slowly tried to sit up and grimaced in pain.

"Are you sure dude?" Tommy asked from behind us with a worried look

"Ya hurts like hell but I'm fine. I'll call my doctor in the morning." He said. By this time he was sitting up. "Uhh can I get a little help here?" Mick asked the boys

Vince and tommy ran over and took micks arms that he was holding out and slowly pulled him up so he was standing. They stayed and stood under his arms to act like crutches to walk him back inside. I stayed by his side the entire time we were walking back into the mansion. They took him to a back room and layed him down on a bed.

"Thanks guys. I dont want to ruin the party or anything. I'll call a cab and go home with bella, you guys keep on partying." He said

"Arre you ssure dudde?" Nikki asked

"Yea man." Mick replied

Nikki shrugged and looked at the other guys. They said their goodbyes and walked out of the room which left me and mick alone. He was laying down and I was sitting on the edge of the bed. I turned and looked at him with a pained expression on my face. I crawled up next to him and layed down with him. I propped myself up a little so I could see his face. I moved a strand of hair out of his face and stared into his eyes.

"Are you sure your alright babe? I dont mind going to the hospital." I said

"Well it doesn't feel good but I dont need to go to the hospital." He said

" cant scare me like that. I can't loose you. Ever." I said seriously

"Trust me I'm not goin nowhere." He said and forced a small smile on his face

I got up and went to the phone in the corner and called a cab to pick us up from vinces house. We unfortunately could not sit and lay in here cause we had to go outside and wait for the cab.

"Baby, we have to go outside and wait for the cab." I said while leaning over him and stroking his face.

He looked up at me and smiled and slowly sat up. I smiled back at him and he got off the bed. I moved myself under him so he had his arm around my shoulders for support. I was used to helping out people that were hurt because when I was younger, I would have to take care of my mom all the time. I wasnt really looking forward to walking through the party to get outside though. We walked out of the spare room we were in and went down a hallway and in the the main room where the party was at. We tried our best to sneak through but some people noticed us.

"Oi mick where are you going? Ditching out your own party are ya? " ozzy said with wild eyes and was obviously on some sort of drug.

"Ya we gotta head out. Thanks so much for comin though ozzy" mick said and forced some sort of excitement into his voice.

"I would have neva fuckin missed it! Well mate I gotta run and find sharon. Bye bye" ozzy said and then ran away yelling and I laughed

We made our way through the party without being talked to the rest of the way and went outside and waited for the cab. We waited in silence. I was really shooken up by this whole thing. Seeing mick get hurt was really messing with my mind and I just keep thinking about what if I had lost him. Of course he wasnt badly hurt but I still couldnt help but think it. The cab finally arrived and we got in the back seat. I moved as close to him as I could get and he leaned his head onto my shoulder and I felt him ease up. I lifted my arm and rested it on his shoulder farthest away from me and ran my fingers through his hair. I tried my very best to comfort him and somehow found myself giving off a sort of motherly love vibe to him. I wanted him to feel like everything was alright and that I was going to take care of him. He stayed there cuddled up to me the whole ride and I was in heaven.

We arrived at his house and the magic that filled the car was interrupted. We got out of the car and I raced toward his side to go and help him. He had gotten out of the car and was leaning on the door. I moved my body so I was under his arms and giving him support. We walked up to his house and he unlocked his front door and we walked in. We went strait to his bedroom and I layed him down on the bed. I layed down next to him and stared into his eyes. As soon as I laid my dead on the pillow, I was reminded that we had both gotten wasted and done drugs earlier. The serious events had sobered us up a bit but my body was tired and worn out. I yawned and he smiled at me

"Is someone tired?" He said with a smile, somehow he was still trying to be happy. I always thought that he would be a grumpy old man when I watched him in interviews before I met him.

"How are you happy right now? You know you seem like the kind of guy who is just done with life and tired of everything.  I see it in you sometimes when your around other people, but your always so positive with me." I said

"Well I used to be that guy that you thought i was, but then I met you. You changed me bella. You make me happy." He said and softly smiled

"Really?" I said somewhat shocked by his words

"Yes bella. You know, I've been wanting to ask you a question." Mick said

"Alright, go ahead." I said

"Well, you know I'm going to have to go away on tour soon and I was wondering... would you like to come with me?" He asked

"Wait really? Of course I'll come with you mick!" I said

"Really? I didnt think you would say yes." Mick said

"Why would you think that? Mick I love you and I want to spend all my time with you." I said and he smiled.

I got up and went to his closet and pulled out a band t shirt and pulled off my tight dress and slipped on micks shirt. While I was gone mick had stripped down to his boxers. I turned off the light and crawled into bed with him. I moved close to him and he wrapped his arms around me. He snuggled into me and I ran my hands through his hair. I was tired but I wanted to enjoy this moment for a while. After a minute or two of me running my fingers through his hair I felt his breathing steady and he fell asleep. I stayed and played with his hair and enjoyed his embrace until I fell asleep. Even while he was hurting, he managed to create the magic that he did and make me happy.

(Sorry this chapter was short. I didnt really have any motivation to write it but the next chapters will be better hopefully.)

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