Ask no questions, Hear no lies.

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Loki POV:

Eventually, the evening came to a close and everyone exited the garden after having a good time chatting with one another, I hoped we could be on better terms now. Me and Megan.

Or at least I think we are. We strolled through the palace as the light began to fade outside and occasionally I commented about the place but she seemed to look around her mind elsewhere and I wished I could know why that was.

"you looked extravagant today" I blurted out in the heat of the moment on the way back to our chambers the torches glinting contrasting with the moonlight that flooded through glass windows.

However, I was satisfied with the impact my comment made as her cheeks took a rosy shade in the faint light "thank you" she murmured quietly fiddling with her fingers a nervous habit I had noticed. I nodded to a couple of guards as we entered my chambers, As I walked in I magicked out of my black suit as I turned I saw Megan stiffen.

Her eyes latched to the now empty space under the desk, now rid of torn sheets that she had been sleeping in for the past few days. 

It was cleaned up by maids I could only presume. They must have thought we would now share a bed and the thought clearly made her more than uncomfortable. "What happened to it?" she snarled venomously glaring at the blank space "the maids came to clean, they must have assumed because we are betrothed, that we will share sleeping arrangements," I responded curtly as she turned to face me shaking her head with narrowed eyes. 

"No." I frowned had she really not trusted me to not bring any harm to her? still? "why not?" I blurted out mentally scolding myself her eyes widened a fraction before glaring at me "because I sleep alone" she said in an icy tone. I sighed at this "get changed" she picked up the fresh clothes for her to sleep in that was atop of my bed and walked into the bathroom closing the door with force. 

I settled on the bed reading a book for a few moments as she bathed I could tell from the sound of running water, eventually, my eyes turned up from the page as the door reopened. 

She was wearing a pale blue nightgown that brought itself to her knees, I noticed she was very uncomfortable attempting to pull it down further so with a snap of my fingers I brought the material just below her knees. She looked up in shock as I smirked proudly "all you had to do was ask" she scoffed, going to lay under the desk. I quickly shot up, shutting my book and placing it on a side desk, I darted over catching her waist with one arm as she squirmed while I dragged her over to the bed. 

"you aren't sleeping on a floor" I told her firmly lifting her over my shoulder as she punched my back and scratched making me wince at the sound of tearing fabric "put me DOWN!" she demanded. She huffed as I placed her on the bed and tried to get up again but I put my hands on her shoulders holding her still. 

"Stay" I commanded and she glared "I am not some puppy you can command!" she snapped, what I said next not only shocked her but me also "well you're my puppy", My face flushed as did hers, but she quickly shook her head batting my hands away "no! I am not!" she whined crossing her arms "just sleep" I demanded turning on my heel as I took a blanket from a nearby couch I had in the room and spread it on the dark brown leather couch that was positioned in front of the fireplace.

It wasn't entirely uncomfortable but I knew Megan would not react well to us sharing a bed so I moved for her sake. 

I shifted and heard shuffling behind me but no footfalls could be heard so I could tell she stayed in the bed. I eventually glanced over the back of the couch to see her curled into a ball facing away from me. I sighed in relief, glad she wasn't on the floor any longer.

With that the darkness consumed me and my thoughts raced through my mind going over the events of today.

A/N: OOO I wonder what's going to happen? sorry this chapter is such a shorty I kinda wanted the next one to have more depth and not continue the important scenes with fluff ones such as this

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