Scene 3 - I'll be coming with you this time, Steve

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Space City, an hour later. Spinning. The control tower Colonel Zodiac, Dr. Venus, Professor Matic and Lieutenant Ninety are lined up in front of Commander Zero, next to his desk. Zoonie, the mischievous Lazoon is behind him wandering around, up to no good again. The Commander paces up and down confidently, hands behind back and pronouncing clearly.

Commander Zero:

Colonel. Doctor. Professor. Lieutenant. Three times our Fireball ships have been sucked into a wormhole nearby Planet 62. It is growing faster and stronger as we speak. So, we need to investigate this growing wormhole and find out how it is being generated and where it leads to. As a matter of fact, you Steve and your crew are my top astronauts.

Colonel Zodiac:

Well, thank you, Commander.

Commander Zero:

That's why I want you to fly up there and investigate. And I'll be coming with you this time, Steve. I want to see this wormhole myself. Lieutenant?

Lieutenant Ninety:

Yes, sir?

Commander Zero:

As we don't know exactly where we will end up, you need to tell the radio boys to boost the communication to maximum.

Lieutenant Ninety:

Very good, sir.

Dr. Venus:

Well, the mission sounds rather simple, Commander.

Commander Zero:

Hopefully, Doctor. But Colonel Stimpson was also one of my best men, and was a close friend. And I only hope we can find him. And the others.

Zoonie begins growling, snorting and sniffing with the controls at the wall – newly installed!

Hey! HEY! Get off of that you little runt!

He still scratches and digs and growls monstrously at the controls, breaking them and beginning to smoke.

Dr. Venus:




Commander Zero:


Zoonie sends the controls on fire, still growling and sniffing horridly at them.


Zodiac runs at him and picks him up, running back with him in his arms as the controls blow up into flames – and certainly would have killed Zoonie. Ninety rushes to grab a fire extinguisher locked in the wall and sprays it on the fire, cooling it down and saving the tower. Venus rushes to comfort her pet, as Commander Zero grows in anger and fury! Tensing and making annoyance sounds.

Dr. Venus:

Zoonie, are you ok?

Zoonie makes more sounds.

Commander Zero:

Why you! Why you stupid, ugly little creature! This time Zoonie, you're gonna pay for that! I ought to put you in front of a firing squad, and beat you to a pulp!

Dr. Venus:

Leave Zoonie alone.

Commander Zero:

Shut up when I'm shouting at your horrid pet! Do you realise how much that new equipment cost! And now Venus you are defending your over-grown wrench! You ought to keep that disgusting abomination out of my control room! Get to Fireball XL5 this instant!

Zoonie begins crying.

Dr. Venus:

Oh, you made Zoonie cry now. Can't you see Steve that he is upset?

Colonel Zodiac:

No, Venus. This time he's gotta be punished.

Commander Zero:

I said get to Fireball XL5 and don't utter another word!

Professor Matic:

Oh, Commander?

Commander Zero:


Professor Matic:

What about Zoonie, sir?

Commander Zero:

Well, we can take him into space and throw him into the wormhole and see how powerful it is.

Dr. Venus:

NO! You can't do that to poor Zoonie!

Commander Zero:

I said not another word! Lieutenant, sound launch stations!

Lieutenant Ninety:

Yes, Commander.

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