Ch. 2

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Hopefully it's not that bad

Keith's pov.

As I was getting close to my door. I feel someone touch my shoulder I turn around to see Lance. "H-Hey Lance.." "Hey Keith can we talk?" "Oh..uh sure." I said. As we entered my room i can see Pidge taking pictures I just rolled my eyes at her. "So I kinda broke up with Allura.." Lance started "Oh you did.." I said kinda happy but felt bad at the same time. "Why did you?" I ask. "I couldn't handle her shit anymore." He said rolling his eyes. "O-oh.." "Keith I know you listened to our conversation." He said. "S-sorry I didn't mean I ju-" I was cut off by Lance. "It's fine Keith..The real reason I wanted to talk to you was because.." Then I can see myself looking into his Beautiful blue eyes..

Lance's pov.

"It's fine Keith..The real reason I wanted to talk to you was because.." was all I can say before I caught myself looking into Keith's beautiful purple eyes. "O-oh I'm sorry Lance, what were you saying!?" He said while blushed filled his cheeks. All I did was smile at him while a dark red filled up my cheeks. Then I pull the front of his shirt into a kiss. He was surprised at first but, melted into the kiss too. While we were kissing I hear a bang on the other side of Keith's door. We both started at the door in confusion. And then we see...

3rd pov.

While both Lance and Keith pulled away from there kiss. They both hear banging from Keith's door. When the door opened they see a very angry Allura Strom in. She just walks up to Keith and slaps him. "WHAT THE FUCK ALLURA!!" Keith said as he held his cheek. "How dare you Lance!" Was all she said before Lance walked to her and gave her what she deserved. A punch in the face. Allura stumbled back a bit. "Lance why did you do that!!" "I'M YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!" she said as with those words Lance snapped " NO YOUR NOT ALLURA YOUR NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!! AND HOW DARE YOU HURT KEITH!!" Lance yelled as he held Keith in his arms in a tight hug. With that Allura just ran out of the room crying but, Lance could care less about her. "Why you do that Lance?" Keith said as he looked at Lance. "I love you Keith and I'll protect you." Lance said as he stroked Keith's cheek. They just sat there and hugged.

Hopefully this was good
Sorry this a my first fanfic
444 words

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