Ch. 8

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((Hope your enjoying it))

~One month later~

Keit.h was now five months pregnant and pidge was two.
3rd pov.

"Hey Shiro wanna go found out if we're having a girl or boy?" Pidge said getting up from bed.
"Sure." He said smiling at her and picking her bridal style. Then they saw Keith and Lance.
"Oh hey guys, where you going?" Lance asked.
"Oh were just going for ultrasound." Pidge said holding on to Shiros neck.
"Oh we were doing the same thing." Keith said chuckling a bit. Lance look over to him and started to blush. Then they four went walking to the med bay where Coran was at.
"Oh hello Paladins what are you doing here?" Coran said. While Luna was cleaning the healing pods with Coran.
"We just to check on the bady." Lance said.
"And we wanna know our gender." Pidge said rubbing her little bump barely starting to show.
"Oh ok. I'll check Pidge. And Luna wanna check Keith?" Coran said then looking over to Luna.
"Sure." She said putting away the towel.

"Ok Keith so your little cub is looking nice and healthy." She said taking away the rod and smiling at Keith and Lance.
"Thanks Luna." Keith said getting up and giving her a smile. She just nodded and smiled back at him.

"OK so Pidge so you are having...A Girl!" Coran said excited.
"Omg! Really." Pidge and Shiro said at the same time.
"Yes. And she looking good and very healthy." Coran said.
"Thank you Coran." Shiro said helping pidge off the little table she was on.
"No problem Black Paladin." Coran said twirling his mustache.


"I can't wait to meet our baby boy." Keith said while rubbing his stomach. Lance bent and and kissed Keith's cheek.
"I can't wait either." Lance said as he hugged Keith as they laid both in bed.

A week later~~~

Keith's pov.

I wake up and Lance wasn't there. I looked around and I found a little note.

"Hey Keith get dressed and meet at the landing bay.
Oh Lance. I thought to myself as I read the note.
I got dressed and headed there where I meet up with Pidge and Hunk.
"Whoa what's with outfits?" I ask them.
"It's just Lance. And here." Pidge said as she handed me and bouquet. All I did was blushed super hard.
"He's in the  hanger." Hunk said as he pointed. I just nodded my head. Then I see Lance all dressed up. I didn't help but to blush.
"You look really p-prett- I mean beautiful!" Lance said also blushing.
"T-thanks you too." I said.
"Come on let's go I have something for you." He said as we walked to the blue lion. Then we flew for hour or two.
"We're here." Lance said.
"Whoa this place is so beautiful." I said looking out of the loin.
"Just like you." Lance said as I blushed at the comment. All I did was kiss him on the cheek.


Lance's pov.

Me and Keith spent the whole day together and I have one last surprise.
"Come on let's go the beach over there." I said pointing and grabbing his hand. Once we got there we sat on the sand for awhile few minutes. Then I stood up.
"Keith." I said getting up.
"Yea." He said while I helped him up.
"*sigh* I just wanted to say that you are the love of my  life. The person I want to spend the rest of my life with. So.." I said then bent down on my knee.
"No-" Keith said as tears formed in his eyes.
"So will you Keith Kogane. Will you marry me?" I said as nervousness over came me.
"YESS!!!!" Keith said as he jumped onto me. We both fall and laughed. I kissed and put the ring. He couldn't stop looking at it.

~back at the castle~

3rd pov.

"What he say!?" Pidge said as she saw us come in.

"People meet Keith McClain."

((Hopefully you peeps enjoyed this))
Sorry I didn't update yesterday.
Anyway hopefully you enjoyed~~
Until tomorrow ((692 words))

Byee peeps~~

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