Ch. 12

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((Hope you enjoying))

Taylor pov.

"Mom?" I said as me and my parents broke the hug.
"Yes?" Mom said.
"When lotor pushed me I got mad and then I turned purple and looked like a galra?" I said more confused . My mom and dad just had a shocked face.
"He's half galra!?" My dad said as he turned to my mom.
"I guess so." My mom said laughing. My dad blushed I just started laughing.
"Wait so I'm half galra mom?" I said trying to understand.
"I guess so sweet heart." He said running his fingers in my hair. I was tried so I went to sleep.

Keith's pov.

Outside I acted normal but inside I was freaking out. How was it going to tell everyone their was other half galra. I knew allura wasn't going to be okay with this.
"Lance How are we gonna tell the others!?" I said starting to panic.
"Hey. It's gonna be okay." He said in a calm voice and kissing my forehead.
"Ok." I said as we lay down with our son and fell asleep all together as a family.
Taylor's pov.

I woke up squeezed because my parents were there. I got up and went to look for Ava. I looked in the control room and found her there.
"Hey Ava." I said as I walked in.
"Hey kid." She said turing off the screen.
"Can I talk to you for tick." I said.
"Sure." She said walking over to me.
"I um..I think my galra." I said then hided my face in my dad's hoodie.
"Like half galra." She said rubbing my back.
"I think so." I said putting my knees to my chest.
"Hey its fine it's pretty cool actually." She trying to lighten the mood.
"Really!?" I said.
"Yeah you can get a chance to join the b.o.m" she counting the cool things on her fingers.
"Also awaken your mother's blade. Or even become the new leader of the galra!" She pinching my cheeks. I laughed.

3rd. Pov.

What both didn't know while they were talking Allura was spying and listening in on them. So the next day wasn't gonna go good.

~next day~

3rd pov.

"Hey everyone" Lance said as he walked in a hand over Keith's shoulder and over Taylor's.
"Hey." Pidge said. Once everyone was sitting down. Allura talked.
"Paladins we need to talk." Allura started. Everyone was confused.
"What about?" Shiro asked.
"Well I figured out that there is other galra on our ship." She said and glared at Keith and Lance. Keith as confused because he thought Allura leafy knew he was half galra.
"Who else..There's only Keith?" Pidge said putting up her glasses like she did back in the first times of being here.
"Well not only Keith but his...child." Allura said in anger and disgust.
"Don't do not make that face to my child!" Keith growled at her.
"You don't scare me Keith." Allura said. Everyone else was pissed of what Allura was saying but, Taylor was even more pissed. He started getting mad. And soon snapped in his full galra side.
"DONT TALK TO MY MOTHER LIKE THAT!!" Taylor yelled across the table. Everyone looked him shocked. He ran out the room tears in his eyes. Keith and Lance ran after him.
"You know I don't see why your a princess." Luna said.
"Beacuse i was the daughter of the king. Are you that stupid Luna." Allura said glaring at her. Luna was mad. Only Allura knew the real reason.
"YEA BECAUSE DAD ABANDONED ME FOR YOU!!" Luna yelled to her face tears going down her face. Allura just sat there. Anger still in her eyes. Luna ran out to the med bay. Ava ran out to find her.
"What other things are you hiding?" Shiro said. Allura just sat there saying nothing. She then just left to her room.

((Sorry for a short ch.))
Hopefully you guys are enjoying this
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Until tomorrow~
((683 words))

Byee peeps~~

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