Ch. 11

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((Sorry for a huge time skip))
!also drawing mine I know it looks bad but whatever¡
Anyway hope you enjoying.

~12 years later~

Pidge. Pov.

It was now Emily's 11th birthday. It was like just yesterday she was born. Her and Taylor were best friends of course they were the only kids in space. Well, both were born in space.
"Happy birthday dear!" I heard Shiro say as he lift Emily in the air.
"Dad put me down!" She said as she laughed.
"Come on dear bet Uncle hunk has something special." I said as rubbed her hair.
"Ok!" She said as she opened the door and ran out.

Emily's pov.

"Happy birthday Emily!" Taylor said as he ran over to me and hugged me. All I did was blush. OK I liked him we been on this ship since we were born. We were best friends but, I was sure he didn't like me.
"Thanks Taylor." I said as we broke the hug. My mom knew I liked him. I wish I never told her. My dad he works a lot so I barely see him but I get times to see him.
"What do you wanna birthday girl?" Dad said as him and mom were on the couch. I thought for a second.
"Let's go to the room with no gravity!" I said jumping.
"Great idea Emmy!" Taylor said he called me that since I can't even remember. We all ran to room and fun and floated for hours. Until we went for dinner. We did all that birthday stuff and then we went to bed.

~One week later~

3rd pov.

As the team sat down having a normal day. The alarm went off.
"Paladins suit up galra are attacking!" Coran yelled through the coms. Everyone went to suit and as usually Emily and Taylor stayed with Coran and Luna. Ava would tag with Keith.
"You kids stay here im going to Luna in the med bay.I'll be back." Coran said as he left the room.
"Wanna explore?" Taylor said getting up.
"But Coran said to stay." Emily said looking up at him.
"We'll just be gone a tick he won't know." Taylor said putting his hands on his hips.
"Fine" Emily said getting up.

"Whoa this pla-" Taylor said but was caught when he got sight of a galra. He had white hair and was every tall. It was lotor. Emily's and Taylor's parents always talked about how lotor was very dangerous.
"Hide!" Taylor said as he grabbed Emily by the hand and ran. Lotor got sight of the kids. 'Perfect' lotor thought.
"Go get them." Lotor said as two galra went looking for them.
"Kids I'm ba-" Coran said them fear take over him.
"Quiznack!!" Luna and Coran said at the same time.
"We have to look for them!" Both of them went running looking for the two kids.
"Stay quiet." Taylor said as him and Emily were in a closet hiding. Lotor found them and took them to galra ship and held them in cell.
"What are you going to do!" Taylor screamed at lotor.
"You'll see." He said then left.
"Taylor I told we should have stayed!" Emily said yelling over to Taylor. She then burst to tears.
"I want to go home." She through sobs. Taylor pulled her in a tight hug.
"I-im sorry Emily." He said as tears went down his cheek.

~three hours later~

"What do you mean!!??" All four parents said. They were worried because who knows what lot or was going to do with there children.
"I'm so sorry paladins." Coran said.
"It's okay Coran if wasn't your fault. But we have to track the ship now." Shiro said patting corans shoulder.

"Don't hurt her!" Taylor yelled Emily could notice his eyes switch colors. Lotor pushed Taylor to the ground. He raged.
"Perfect." Lotor said giving Emily a dirty look.
"Leave me alone!" Emily said.
"Leave her alone!!" Taylor yelled he became his full galra ripping lotor off her. He could be 12 but he was strong. He beat lotor up until he knocked him out. He grabbed Emily and tried to look for a pod. Living in a castle in space of course they knew about the loins and pods and other space things. They found the pod and Taylor was back to normal and shoot the pod out to space away from the galra ship.
"I'm sorry Emily." Taylor said suddenly said during the ride.
"I'm sorry we should have stayed this is all my fa-" he was cut off by Emily hugging him tight.
"It's not your fault Taylor." She said. Taylor hugged back. During the ride they saw loins and got back safe.
"Taylor! Emily! Guys I found them!" Pidge said. They got the galra pod and got them back.

"Taylor never do that again. You scared me and you father half to death." Keith said.
"We're not mad Taylor were just upset and we were worried for the both of you." Lance said putting a hand on Keith's shoulder.
"I'm sorry mom and dad." Taylor said tears forming in his eyes. Keith and Lance rushed to him and had a family hug.
"Emily why would you run off like that. You could have been killed!" Shiro scolded. Pidge was upset and worried what lotor could have done to her.
"Did lotor do anything to you!" Pidge said just as Shiro finished. Emily sat there when tears fell down her face. Both Shiro and Pidge were horrified what lotor could have done to her.
"S-sweetie don't cry." Pidge said as she rushed to hug her tight. Shiro joined in soon.
"Don't worry we'll protect you." Shiro said. Pidge knew if lotor came back she'll kill him.

Luna was walking to control room to find Coran when she saw allura calling someone and listened in.
"Hello" lotor said from the other side of the screen.
"Hello lotor." Allura said.
"Did you do anything." Allura again said.
"No princess." Lotor said.
"Well I won't them both gone. They are Botha waste of time. They keep us from saving the universe." Allura said angry. Luna was surprised she thought allura was fine after years.
"Fine I'll try again" lotor said. Lunas eyes widen. Soon after allura ended the call. Luna ran to find Keith.

"Keith it's me!" Luna said as she knocked on his door.
"Yes Luna?" He said as he opened the door.
"I need to talk to the you and lance!" She said panicked.
"OK ok, Lance come over." He said before turning to lance.
"What is it. Luna." Lance asked.
"We'll it's heard allura talking to lotor about what happened today. She said she wants both Taylor and Emily gone. Like..." she said and then put her finger to neck. Saying allura wanted them dead. Keith's and lances eyes widen with fear.

((Hopefully you guys like this part))
Hope you guys enjoying
Until tomorrow
((1165 words)

Bye peeps~~,._.,

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