Extra Ch. He's back.

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This is a TaylorxEmily
(Wanted to try this)


3rd pov.

It was like any other quintant in the castle.

Keith,Lance,Emily and Pidge still trying to find Taylor.

Its now been 2 years since he was taken.

Everyone except probably Allura cares about finding Taylor.
"Everyone there's a galra pod nearby the castle!" Allura informed in from the intercoms. And everyone came dashing to control room.

Then a transmission popped onto the screen.

"T-taylor!?" Lance and Keith said at same time.

"Mom! Dad! Yes I found you guys!" Taylor said as he started crying.

"Allura we are goin to get Taylor in the loins, come on Lance!" Keith said then ran out the room.

By now Pidge, Emily and Hunk were tears. He was finally back safe and sound. Well, that's what they thought.
"Taylor!"Lance and Keith said as they ran out their loins and embraced Taylor in the biggest hug.

"Mom!Dad!" Taylor cried as he ran to them as well. He hugged then back immediately.

"I'm glad your back. Son we never stopped looking for you. We tried so hard every second.." Keith said as he wiped Taylor's tears away.
"Do the galra do anything to you? Did they hurt you!?" Lance said worried.
"I-i-i'll tell you guys l-later.." Taylor said as he put his head down.
Keith and Lance both looked at each other with a worried face.

"Taylor!" Everyone yelled expect Allura. Taylor jumped in fear.

Those years with Lotor. He became paranoid of everything.

"Taylor!" Emily yelled and came running at Taylor.

"Emmi!" Taylor said back and hugged her tight. Emily blushed and hugged him back.

"Oh Taylor you don't know how worried we all been, how worried I been!" Emily said as her and Taylor pulled away.

"I'm so sorry everyone..." Taylor said and put his arm around Emily. Emily blushed at his action.

"Don't be sorry Taylor, none of this was your fault.." Keith said and put his arm Taylor's shoulder.

Few seconds later. Everyone stared at Taylor and Emily.

"What's wrong guys?" Taylor asked with a nervous look.

"Seems like you still have your arm around Emmi." Pidge said pointing at them.

"W-w..? O-oh! I'm sorry Emily!" Taylor said as he blushed and took away his arm.

"N-no! It's fine!" She said as she blushed even more.

"Why don't they just confess to each other already?" Pidge said in Lance's ear.

"I don't know!? I mean it's so obvious!" Lance said while running his hand into his hair.

"Just give them time. Taylor needs some time, we don't know what they could've done." Keith said with a worried face.
~time skip~

Taylor was relaxing in his room. When he heard a knock.

"Yes, come in." He looked at his door as Emily came in.

A little blushed formed on his face.

"Hey Taylor.." She said in a low voice.

"What's wrong?" He asked as she came over and sat next to him.

"I know this not might be the best time but..I just need to get something off my chest." She said looking down at her hands as she blushed.

"Oh ok.." He said looking at her.

"You been my best friend for basically my whole life. I mean...who wouldn't love a dork like you.." Emily said as she blushed even more. Taylor doing the same.n

"It's just been hard without you..and I know it's been harder for Lance and Keith..but, your just the only one here for me.." She said as she turned to look and Taylor.

Taylor sighed and turned to the wall.

"Its been hard without all you guys too. But, Emily I've missed you too if that's what you mean." Taylor said and turned to Emily. Emily blushed as she saw how close they were.

"Ok, what I came here for was to tell you that..." Emily said then sighed.

"I-I really like you...I know it's been so long we might n-not h- Emily said then cut off by Taylor kissing her!

Emily was shocked at first but, soon gave in.

"Emily I loved you for the longest time.." Taylor said as he looked at her.

Emily still in shock, she came back and tackled him with a hug. Taylor laughed and hugged her back.

"Oh-I love you..." Emily said as she blushes and played with  Taylor's hair.

"I-I love you too.." Taylor said as he also blushed.

Before they knew they both fell asleep..

Oof! Sorry been gone. Well, Happy (late) New Year's peeps!

Well, I did a TaylorxEmily...hope you guys liked..it? :3
Pls vote.
Well, you guys are free to make any fanart(i know nobody will) of them and yee.

Here's a little background.

Dark brown hair.
Purple eyes-(kinda Lance's skin..?)

Orange hair (like pidge)
Gray/black eyes-(kinda Pidge's skin)
Hope you guys liked this little part and yee.


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