Ch. 3

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Hopefully it's not bad so far

3rd p.o.v

As the whole gang sat there in the lounge speaking among themselves. They all can hear a very excited Pidge running through the halls. "Pidge no running." Shiro scolds as Pidge runs in. "O-oh sorry Shiro." She says while a little light blush crosses her face. "OK! Anyway do you guys wanna play a game?!" Pidge said very excited. Everyone agreed and sat around and started to play the game. "Alright everyone we are playing...Romantic.Tic.Tac.Toe." Pidge said as she gave a very evil grin to Keith and Lance. Because she knows all. "OK so who wants to go first?" Pidge said as she looked a rounded the room. "I guess I'll go." Keith said as he shrugged. "Wait, how do you play, Pidge?" Keith said out of sudden. "I'll explain as we go." She said evilly smirking. As Pidge put up a tic tac toe paper on the wall she handed a blindfold to Keith. "What's this for?" He said getting nervous. "Oh! You'll see." Pidge said getting more excited every second. "Ok. Now what?" Keith said. Pidge just handed him some darts to shoot at the wall. "Just try to get three in a row." She said. "Ok..." Keith said. Surprisingly Keith of course made three in row. "Congratulations Keith. Now pick a card." She said as Keith took off his blindfold. Keith picked a card and was shocked of what it said. "Do pose?" Keith nearly terrified and nervous of what podge was going to do. "Yup! Now I want you to do it to....LANCE!" She said. "OK fine Pidge!" Keith said as his face was on fire. "Let's go Keith." Lance said while blushing super hard. "And go do it in...that closet over there." She said pointing at the nearest closet there was. "Alright fine."

Time skip a few minutes~

When Lance and Keith were done having their fun. It was time for Lance and Keith to get back at Pidge.

Keith's p.o.v

"Alright Pidge it's your turn to go." I said while giving her the evil smirk back. "O-oh ok." She said knowing what I was going to do. "Here you go." I said handing her the blindfold. 'Haha here it comes Shiro' was I thought to myself before coming back and seeing Pidge had it three in a row. "Alright nice job Pidge." I said. "Now pick a card." I said still looking at her evilly. "Ohh..shit." She said. "P-pidge language." Shiro said. "Alright nice choice Pidge." I said looking at her card. Her card was to confess to her crush and have some fun. "Now who's your crush." I said while me and Lance were smirking at her very very evilly. "O-ok fine!" She said pushing us out of her face. "I like S-shiro." She mumbled.

Hopefully it's wasn't bad next chapter maybe tomorrow
495 also sorry if short

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