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for whom the bell tolls

CHAPTER FIFTEEN,for whom the bell tolls

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HELL WAS A fierce word. It bothered Samantha that people felt the need to invent a blazing inferno of fire and brimstone, endless torture and suffering. She had been reading The Devine Comedy she managed to take from the CDC, and according to Dante's philosophy, true hell is where ones mistakes brought them suffering.

She could see in hell in Nathan's eyes, but it slowly spread towards Carol Peletier. What they are going through - that's the true meaning of hell.

Standing next to Carol, Samantha gazed at her. All the tears that had trailed down the mother's cheeks had soon dried out, leaving nothing but old trails of the misery she was going through. "We'll find her." She assured, trying to hard to smile.

The look on the Carol's face was heartbreaking. "She's just a little girl." She uttered. Nathan glanced at her, the first time he's looked away from the trees since he came from searching with Daryl and the others.

"She's brave, ma'am," Nate spoke up, a smile on his face that didn't quite meet his eyes. "Braver than you think. You're gonna see her again, I'll make sure of that."

Something in the woman's eyes seemed to shift, a singular emotion forming that Samantha has seen and felt before. Resentment. Nathan noticed immediately because every inch of his face completely stopped, Carol making him go still.

"You were supposed to make sure she was safe," She said, a cold edge in her tone. "But you left her, you left my baby alone in this world."

Nathan didn't say anything, her words consuming him and swallowing him whole. With a glare, she turned and left. The soldier's jaw was clenched and his eyes were impassive, but on the inside he was having a war within himself. He wish could rip off his skin and wear another's, he wish his God would give him peace with his mind - but maybe Nathan wasn't so deserving.


"Don't," His harshness slapped her in the face. "She's right."

Samantha didn't know how to change his mind, how to clear his dark path full self hatred and guilt. He was too deep, too far gone in his own battles that maybe he needed to find himself before she could.

"Oh god, they're back." Glenn's voice fell to her ears as Rick and Daryl came out of the woods - but there was no Sophia with them.

"You didn't find her?" Carol whispered, hysteria rising in her voice.

"We did everything we could. We'll pick it up again at first light." Rick promised.

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